Dear all, We, members of GMA-News, are so hardly trying to submit upon in and out of our people suffering issues to world people know. And we are trying so hardly and honestly even facing with so difficulty like in surrounding side. We, GMA-News group has open policy for new members if any body interested to be a member with honor the Arakanese profit. With the best regards, Yours truly, GMA-News group

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Statement of ALAE on the occasion of 221st Arakan Black Day!

oD;Gjrdefrus,mOfaus;rSkawmfvSefa&;odk h
odk hr[kwf 221 ESpfajrmuf &cdkifhEdkifiHawmf tcsKyftcsm tm%m usqHk;onfhedef h0rf;eJzG,ftxdrf;trSwf
tcrf;tem;odk ho0%fv$mwifoGif;jcif;/
1? &cdkifqdkapmf
2? ESpfaygif;Zmavmuf udk,fhrif; udk hcsif;eef hedefcav
3? wyg;atmuf usqHk;&jcif;ta}umif;&if;
4? &cdkifh}urRm ESpf 22 1
5? vuf&Sd e,fcsJ h
6? vuf&Sd&cdkifom;wdtajcae
7? vkyfuwfoifhaom tvkyfrsm;
1? &cdkifqdkapmf
trsdK;oDv ESpfXmeudk
jynfh0r¾dKif apmifhpGrf;ESdkifI
&cdkifemr bGJhrnfvSjzifh
tEGwWonm ac:tyfpGmwnf; ?
2? ESpfaygif;Zmavmuf udk,fhrif; udk hcsif;eef hedefcav
BC 3325 AD 1784 xdrif;qufaygif; 250 ausmf udk hxD;udk heef;eJ hurBmhvlom;wdtv,frmvGwf
vyfaw vlrsdK;wrsdK;tjzpf edefESdkifca& &cdkifvlrsdK;?
3? wyg;atmuf usqHk;&jcif;ta}umif;&if;
AD 1638 bk&ifod&d ok"rR&mZm uG,fvGefjyD;aemufydkif;wenf;tm;jzifh Armbk&ifarmif0dkif;vufatmuf udk rusa&mufcif ESpfaygif; 146 ESpf t,ifuyif uGsefjzpfzdk hvuQ%m wpwpnf;&Hk;a&;jydKuGJvmonfudkwGd&/
,if;uGsefvuQ%monf AD 1784 odk ha&mufvmaomtcg rdrd&dk h&cdkifom;}um;xJjzpfedefaomjyoemudk
rdrd&dk hudk,fwdkifrajz&Sif;bJ wenf;tm;jzifh &efole,fcsJ h. oabmxm;trSefudk avhvmoHk;owfESdkifaomt
tajcaer&Sd jzpfum opPmazguf ioefaw / armifxGef;pH&dk hArme,fcsJ hbk&if armif0dkif;udkyifhaqmifvmc*wf
onf/ ,if;a}umifh 1784 rm &cdkifuGsefjzpf&onf /
4? Zmavmuf}umAsmav
(u) ArmudkvdkeD 1784 rS 1824 xd 40 ESpf
(c) t*FvdyfudkvdkeD 1824 rS 1942 xd 118 ESpf
(*) *syefudkvdkeD 1942 rS 1945 xd 3 ESpf
(C) t*FvdyfudkvdkeD 1945 rS 1948 xd 3 ESpf
(i) ArmudkvdkeD 1948 rS 2005 57 ESpf
pkpkaygif; 221 ESpf}umAsm/

5? vuf&Sd e,fcsJ h um;Arm
ArmudkvdkeD 1784 rS 1824 xd 40 ESpf
1948 rS 2005 *kxd 57 ESpf
pkpkaygif; 97 ESpf
&cdkifa& ESpfaygif; 5000 ausmf udk,fhrif;udk,fhcsif;eef h edefca&qdkonfhtwGuf udk,fhapmfeJ hudk,fr[kwf
rcsif;uGsefjzpfonf / Armum;e,fcsJ hjzpfonf/
6? vuf&Sd&cdkifom;wdtajcae
vuf[def hjynfwGif; jynfy&cdkifom;tajcaeum; txufuqdkca&twdkif; uGsefouf 221 ESpfxd}umvm AsmjzpfonfhtwGufa}umifh uGsefvuQ%m cdkifrmjyD;vSsif uGsefoabmuf&dk h.ed,grtwdkif; EdkifiHa&; / pD;yGg;a&; / ydkifnma&; / vlrSka&; tp&Sdonfbufaygif;pkH wGiftm;vHk;od}uonfhtwdkif; tuGJuGJ tjym;jym; zGwfa}umjym pk ArmuGsef. jcDokwftajcae/
7? vkyfuwfoifhaom tvkyfrsm;
vdktyfaomtm;w&yfudk rwnfaqmufESdkifrcsif; &cdkifom;vGwfvyfa&;r&ESdkif xdk ha}umifh vdktyfaomtm;
udkwnfaqmufzdk htwGuf vuf [def h &cdkifhtrsdK;om;aumifpD ANC ESifh wnfaqmufqJ EdkifiHwum&ckdifh trsdK;om;tzGJ htpnf;juD; WAO udktm;jznfh&Hkutytjcm;r&Sd[k av;pm;pGmwifjyvdkufygonf ? ?

jynfya&muf&cdkifhtvkyfoRm;tzJG h Arakan Labour Association in Exile - ALAE
jrefrmEdkifiHe,fcsJ ht*FvdyfvufatmufrS vGwfvyfa&; judk;yrf;qJ umv Armacgif;aqmifbufrS ocif wifjr/ AdkvfaZ,wdk hOD;aqmifaomtzJG hESifh &cdkifhawmfvSefa&;acgif;aqmifrsm;jzpf}uaom OD;ynmoD[/ bkHaygufomausmf/ OD;ausmfvSOD;wdk h OD;aqmifaom tzJG hwdk h ppfawGjrdK htm*sdyfawmfukef; o&ufawm bkef;}uD;ausmif;/ bk&m;}uD;teD;wef;cdk;ausmif;wdk hwGif4if; oHk;}udrfwdkifwdkifaqG;aEG;}ujyD;rS atmufyg oabmwlnDcsufudk &,lESdkifcJ h}uonf/
4if;rSm jrefrmEdkifiH e,fcsJ hvufatmufrS v$wfvyfv#if &cdkifjynftm; vGwfvyfa&;ay;&efESifh &cdkifjynfrS ,laqmifoGm;aom r[mjrwfrkedbk&m;}uD;udkvnf; jyefvnfydk hay;&ef/
4if;tcsuftvuf taxmuftxm;rsm;udk OD;ausmfvSOD; a&;om;cJ haom OD;ynmoD[ bmvkyfcJ hovJ pmtkyf(4if;pmtkyfudk jynfe,faumifpDOuUX AdkvfrSL;ausmfarmifu a}umufI cGifhrjyKjcif;a}umifh w&m;0ifxkyf a0jcif;rjyKcJ h odk haomf tawmftoifh jzef hcsD;jyD; jzpfaecJh) rS4if; ocif wifjr &JcJ haom zqyvacwfxkyfa0
aom vGwfvyfa&; rSwfwrf;0ifpmtkyfwGif4if;/ bHkaygufomausmf. awmfvSefa&; c&D;0,f trSwf (1) wGif 4if; twdtus yg&dSonf/
Tenf;tm;jzifh rif;om;juD;a&$bef;wdk hvufxuf &myodefowfwdk hESifhcsKyfqdkaom pmcsKyft& wjudrf ESifh
txufyg az:jyygwjudrf 2 judrf&cdkifacgif;aqmifrsm;tvdrfcHcJh&jyDjzpfonf ? (EdkifEdkif - ppfawG)
&cdkifqdkapmf (aw;jcif;)
&cdkifqdkapmfvvf xdkxdkrif;rm&,k
wdkif;jyKjynfjyK &cdkifhvl habmif
pdk;ydkifrif;vkyf tkyfcsKyfcsdefu pygonf /
ya0oeDb0u tajceDtwnfwus
ausmufjzL / oHwGJ / rmefatmif / ppfawG
taxmuftxm; jyp&m &uQ0He tuQ&mpHknD
armfuGef;tvDvDxdk;conf /
bmomaA'eef h pum;t&mrmruGJjym;onf
(pHxm;pHxm;avmufonf )2
ya'o&mZfacwf &cdkifjynf)2 ?
(xdkrwvD ajrmufOD;a&$jynf wacwfqef;
wacwfvef;cvD EdkifiHw0ef;rmtHhrcef;[dvD
wdkif;wyg;u OD;n$wf&onf)2
&cdkifh&Dwyfrawmf [dk;[dk;ausmfygonf
(ynmausmfrsm; ay:xGef;conf
pmqdkoSsifrsm; ay:xGef;conf )2
rif;xD;rif;bm tm%mpdk;vD
xdkwcsdefu usaemf&dk husaemf&dk h&cdkifjynf
xdkwcsdefu jidK hjidK h&cdkifjynf ?
&moDwa}um pmyDwdefaumaysmufvD
armufrmaom qENudkpD
&mxl;*k%faemufrm "e*k%fatmufrm
tpaw;cH*wfvD twWvGefuJ
udk,fhtwGufpepfudkaqmufwnf /
udk,fjzpfudk,fcH udk,fxdkufudk,fpH
udk,fcH udk,fxdkuf udk,fhtwGufpepfudkaqmufwnf
epfrGef;a&vlxku jidK h&mjzpfaw
&cdkifqdkapmfvvf &cdkifqdkapmftajc ? ?

May you satisfaction beloved father?

May you satisfaction beloved father?

Blood ocean!

Huge mountain dead bodies!Sorrowful sight!

Grieve and painfully crying, mourning of Arakanese!

"O" beloved father" like in every year when meet with this day 31st December, we (in and out of Arakan) are suffering as in nightmare dream.

Decomposed dead bodies of your sons and daughters of Arakanese, were flooding in blood mixed reddish water of the rivers of the Mayu, Laymro, Kaladan, Kalindaung, etc.

And in land, beasts like dogs, foxes, crows, vultures, eagles, etc were eating also dead bodies of your sons and daughters who were grossly killed by Bamar colonial invaders in 1784 under the policy of the whole nation cleansing and demolishing ruled.

"Kill them! "Don't left even pregnant for the whole nation end" in that way thousands of pre-mother of Arakanese were died under the helpless condition.

"Kill babies! "Don't left even from cradles! Babies were thrown to the sky by Bamar invaders then spires, swords were provided under the falling down straight way of the babies.

In that way, thousands of innocent Arakanese babies were grossly killed even from their cradles by heartless Bamar invaders as an inhuman being acts.

Had arakanese pre-mother any guilty for Bamar invaders?

Had Arakanese babies any guilty for Bamar nation?

According to Arakanese history, from 1784 to 1788 within four years, Arakanese wer killed by Bamar invaders as followed:
* One thousand in Paung Htook Prun
* One thousand in Tharunk Ouke
* One thousand in Krunk Roe Taung
* Two thousands in San Gurr Taung
* Ten thousands Arakanese babies
* One lakh eightyu four thousands (184, 000) in Dinggy, Fararr Pour, Moung Sway, Nga Ra Kaunght, Goung Pro Taung, Parain, Paung Took, Ratana Prun, Lunkma Tawdam , Koe Say Koe Daung, Thandway (Sandwe), Ramree.

In that way, from 1784 to 1824 during 40 years over twenty lakhs ( over 20, 00, 000) Arakanese were grossly killed by Bamar invaders.On the other hand, in Taw Pan Zum villages over the one thousand Arakanese were killed by Maung Nu's soldiers mercilessly under the period of so-called Union Govt of Burma in 1952.

And also, on 13 August 1967, in Akyab (present capital city of Arakan) around 400 Arakanese were Buried with alive and dead by Ne Win's Bamar chauvinism.In that way, if we count from 1784 to up to today, two and half millions of Arakanese were killed cruelly by Bamar Chauvinism by the name with kingdom, so-called false Union Govt of Burma and under the BSPP, SLORC, SPDC, etc."O" beloved Arakan, we must see as dead bodies of huge mountain! If above mentioned all of two and half millions dead bodies of Arakanese are provided at the one place.In that way, we must se endless appearance of blood, red like in every sight every where as a blood ocean!If we pour at the one place for all of bleeding blood from above mentioned two and half millions dead bodies of Arakanese.Do you forget it "o" beloved Arakan?Should we forget about it?"O" beloved father" If arrive on today, we fell that we are hearing sounds of grippingly crying and sorrowful sight of views about the poor helpless our Arakanese conditions from the past."O" beloved father" you could born over Arakanese heroes, sons like Marayu, Mun Htee, Mun Bun and provided over 5000 years as a sovereignty Arakan Kingdom with such kind of eras like Danyawadi, Visali, Laymro, Mrauk Oo. In the result of that we could fly our Arakanese flag as tallest among the other nations and also we could proudly say that " Rakhaing Tharr Way! among the world nation families as a level of dignity."O" beloved father" even we lost lour sovereignity under the Bamar colonial in 1784, we are struggling to restore our freedom sithout generation gap up to today till over the two centuries and two decadeds. During those long period of our struggling, if I have to mention some of our important figures revolutionaries, who were, Taung Mun Gri Kyaw Htwe, who fought firstly to Bamar invaders since incursions in Arakan in 1784. And Bo Shun Byan. Then prince U Hree Ban, Day Wann Aung Kyaw Hree, Mayou Aung Kyaw Zan, etc.Some of them had left poems as precious stones for next generation of our Arakan revolutionaries.If I have to mention the translations upon their poems as what ever I can:Prince Hree Ban's last will and testament - "Radu" ( in translation)* I am a true prince Accordance to that I struggled For fatherland, my life was heartily sacrificed in kalar landAnd my old life will change.* Every living things must die one day as a natureEven though any body don't kill them.* VindictivenessThey also never live in absoluteEven though I die, my bones will speakor case one day as a noble value in our revolutionaries' rule.
"O" my next generation of revolutionaries ArakanWe must get freedom of fatherland one day.If you don't change and obeisance my true rule of revolutionary.* If human effort by hard industriousMust get even for nirvanaThis is referendum of mine.
Hree Ban's-----------------------------Daywann Gri Aung Kyaw Hree's last will and testament, "Radu"
(in translation)* "O" next generation of revolutionaries ArakanWe, three masters of you, have value and worth in some time And in some time their lives are worthlessWhen other bodies from upper hand torture them.* "O" nest generation of revolutionaries Arakan!Don't take patience if any body of you accept corrupt moneyAnd treat you by disgrace mean.* Accordance to freedom struggle histories of worldwide According with harmonium had to use both of knowledge and abilityby the way of continue efforts and trustAnd had to pour blood and sacrifice their lives for the final meanBecause of no wish to live under the other.
Aung Kyaw Hree------------------------------
Mayor Aung Kyaw Zan's last will and testament "Radu"
( in translation)* VindictivenessAung Kyaw Zan's struggleAnd also our golden land Arakan become for other so sadlyfor traitors San Hree Foay and other of his fellows' betrayedAnd ideology of dog thought that the whole life for thembut for one meal.* Even though parent, master, ancestor's already left talkthat not to accompany with villainsAnd careless mistakenly didn't obey for that have to face like present trouble for me.* If I will be human in another lifeI'd like to revenge newly for those traitors like right nowBecause of never forgivable.
Aung Kyaw Zan
"O" beloved father" even though our struggles are running in so long under the various kind of colonial, listism ( under the Bamar, British, Japanese, British and now Bamar and false socialism , false communist, false Unionist in and out of so-called Burma), We are struggling continually without generation gap for restore Arakan dignity.Early 21st centuries of nowadays, is so considerably happening for our Arakan revolution and revolutionaries' struggle according to wheel changing of present worldwide revolutionary history.Therefore, without gap our version from past, present and future of Arakan very recently, we must create an international level terminal and will try to qualify from our weakness.May you satisfaction beloved father?Khaing RomaNB: This article was submitted by me (in Rakhaing) on the occasion of Arakan National Black Day in Dhaka in 2004.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

UN contribution goods are depriving by Rayaka and police in Rathaydaung township, Arakan region

&cdkifjynf &aohawmifjrdK he,fwGif UN rSqefESifhypPnf;rsm;jzef ha0aomfvnf;
&Jom;tcsdK hESifh &,utzGJ h0ifrsm; rdrdudk,fusdK;oHk;ae

zavmif;csdwf – Edk0bFm 10 ? ? &cdkifjynfwGif cav;vli,frsm;rSm t[m&tvGefcsdK hwnfhaewJh tajctae&SdaejyD; rsdK;qufopf rsm;twGuf tvGefpdk;&drfae}u&a}umif; ukvor*~ tpD&ifcH pmwGif yg&Sdojzifh &aohawmifjrdK he,f&Sd pmoifausmif;rsm;wGif cav;oli,frsm;tm; 19 – 9 – 2005 ae h qef9odkufpD UN rSay;a0a}umif; e,fpyfodk ha&muf&Sdvmaom &aohawmifjrdK he,f avmif;acsmif;&GmrS ukefonf wOD;. ajymjycsufa}umif;od&Sd&ygonf ?

4if;ukefonfrSqufvufIajym}um;&mwGif &aohawmifjrdK he,f&Sd &,u tzGJ h0ifrsm;jzpfaom
armifoef;pdef OuUX (touf 60 ) twGif;a&;rSL;jzLarmif ( touf 45 ) tzGJ h0if armifpdef
( 60 ESpf) &,u pma&; a0vlarmif ( 50 ESpf ) wdk honf ukefwef;&Gm/ avmif;acsmif;&GESifh o&ufjyifaus;&Gmrsm;twGuf &&Sdaom ypPnf;rsm;udk &Jom; oef;pdefarmifESifh wifxGef;wdk hyl;
aygif;jyD;xifovdk rdrdudk,fwdk hudk,fusdK;twGufvkyfaea}umif;ajymjycJhygonf / tvGefqif;&J
aomolrsm;udkvnf; ig;zrf;&ef uGefwvufpD UN rSay;jyD; aemufwygwfwGif cav;rsm;t wGuf yJrsm;ay;rnfjzpfa}umif; ,QKtcg &aohawmifjrdK he,fwGif ppfpcrf; 3 ckcsI jynfolrsm;
udkESdyfpufae}uonfhtwGuf jynfolrsm; 4if;wdk h . 'g%fudkcg;pnf;cHae}u&onf /

UN rStultnDay;onfhypPnf;rsm;udkvnf; trSefwu,fvuQHr&&Sdojzifh jynfolrsm;pGm raus reyfjzpfae}ua}umif; ajymjyoGm;cJhonf / &aohawmifjrdK he,fwGif wyfpGJxm;aom ppfpcrf;rsm;rSm cr& 538 / cr& 537 / cr& 536 wdk hjzpfa}umif;ESifh tv,foHausmf&Gm ESifh usdKif;awmuf&GmwGif }uD;rm;aom tajrmufwyfpcrf;wck wyfpGJxm;a}umif;vnf; &cdkifjynf
vl htcGifhta&;apmifh}unfha&;tzGJ h. owif;ay;ydk hcsuft&od&onf ? ?

The Good Morning Arakan ( News ) - GMA
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Interview with Ko Naing Naing (ALD) about the abusing of drug in Arakan Region

ALD b*Fvma'(&Sf)XmecGJrS &cdkifjynfwGif;rl;,pfaq;0g; jyoemESifhywfoufI xkyfjyefa}ujim
csufwapmifudk rae hu ae hpGJjzifhxkyfjyefa}ujimcJhonf/ 4if;xkyfjyefcsufudk The Good Morning Arakan owif;Xmeodk hvnf;rdwWLwapmifay;ydk hcJhygonf/ 4if;xkyfjyefcsuftay: ALD, BD XmecGJwGJ zuftwGif;a&rSl; udkEdkifEdkifESifhawGqHk ar;jref;}unfhaomtcg – udkEdkifEdkifrS atmufygtwdkif;ajym}um;cJhygonf?

GMA : udkEdkifEdkifvuf&Sd ALD BD rSmbmwm0efudkxrf;aqmifaeygovJ /
Ko Naing Naing : [kwfuJh usaemf ALD BD rSm wGJ zuftwGif;a&rSl; wm0efudk
xrf;aqmifaeygw,f /
GMA : udkEdkifEdkiftaeeJ h&cdkifa'otygt0if ArmwjynfvHk; rl;,pfaq;0g; tEW&m,feJ hjuHkawG hae&
aomfjim;vnf; SPDC uavoHaumif;[pfaejcif;tay: b,fvdkjrifygovJ ?
KNN: usaemhtaeeJ hajym&r,fqdk,if wcsdefu bdef;bk&iffavmfppf[efydkifqdkifwJh ukr`%D
Leo Express rSm usaemfum;armif;cJhwJhtcsdefwkef;u 1999 avmufuayghav etz
ppftpdk;&eJ hbdef;bk&ifawG[m pD;yGg;a&; udktusdKK;wl yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufae'gudkawG h&SdcJh&ygw,f/
tJ'DtcsdefwHk;u avmfppf[ef[m 9 rdkifrSmaejyD; / ol hnDavmfppfrif;[m vm;&SdK;jrdK hxJ
rSmae'gudkawG h&SdcJh&ygw,f /
OD;avmfppf[efeJ hawG hwJhtcsdefrSm olajymjy'gu – vuf&Sd etz tpdk;&udka':vmukaÉ
csDacs;iSg;xm;&a}umif; / vm;&SdK;wGifa&muf&Sdaeaom wyfrSL; wygrrSl;rsm;udk rmqD'D
(b,farmif;) um;wpD;pD ay;xm;a}umif; ajymjycJhjyD; / rif;,QK vm;&SdK; VIP c&D;pOfudk
tJ'ga}umifh SPDC eJ hbdef;bk&ifawG / bdef;bk&ifawGeJ hetz AdkvfcsKyf/AdkvfrSL;awG&J h
udk,fusdK;pD;yGg;}um;jzpfyGg;aewJh rl;,pfaq;0g;qdk;usdK;[m SPDC rjyKwfusrcsif;quf
vuf&SdaerSmygbJ ?
GMA : udkEdkifEdkiftaeeJ hrsufarSmuf&cdkifa'otajcaeudk rl;,pfaq;0g;eJ hygwfoufvdk hb,fvdk
jrifygovJ /
KNN ; vuf&Sd&cdkifjynfe,fjrdK hawmfppfawGrSm rl;,pfaq;0g;udk tvG,fwul&&SdaewJhtwGuf
rsdK;qufopfvli,fawG oHk;pGJrSKrsm;oxuf rsm;vm'gudkawG h&ygw,f / tckvdkjzpf&'g
[m rsdK;qufopfvli,fawG tpdk;&udkqef husifvdkwJhpdwfr&Sd&efESifh rsdK;cspfpdwf"gwfy
aysmufatmif wrif&,f&G,fwJhtaeeJ hwm;qD;ydwfyifjcif;/ zrf;qD;jcif; vkyf0vkyfwm
rawG h&jcif;jzpfygw,f/
rl;,pfaq;0g;wm;qD;a&;eJ hwm0efusaewJh ,pfzufqdkif&m&JawGudk,fwdkifa&mif;ae}u
vdk hygbJ /
pHkprf;vdk hod&oavmuf vGefcJhwJhwv avmufu rl;,pfaq;0g;oHk;pGJvdk h armvdyf&yg
uGuf (vrf;r}uD;ydkif;) wGif 3 a,gufaoqHk;cJhonf ( vSjzLodef; - vlysdK 39 ESpf – tz
wa,:usL; / atmifodef;&Sifodef;xDqdkifrdom;pkrSwa,guf / atmifwnf;cdk&dyfomrd
om;pkrSwa,guf ESifh armvdyfpmoifausmif;teD;rS 2 a,gufjzpfjyD;/
qiful;vrf;&yfuGuf/ aps;acsvrf; (csawmyg&m) wGif 99 rSonf 2005 / 6 ESpftwGif;
vlaygif; 20 aoqHk;cJhw,f / rsm;aomtm;jzifh AIDS a&m*geJ haoqHk;olrsm;a}umif;
od&ygw,f /
'Duae hrl;,pfaq;0g;aygufaps;[m zefqD'dkif;wvHk;udk 35000d
armfzdef; (t0gygwf) wvHk;udk 5500d/ aq;ajcmuf 1dom;udk 8000d / t"duaq;ajcmuf
a&mif;0,folrSm emZD&GmrS rat;pdef (touf45ESpf)jzpfjyD; rl;,pfrSvlESifhyl;aygif;a&mif;
GMA : udkEdkifEdkiftaeeJ hrl;,pfaq;tEW&m,fESifhygwfoufjyD; &ckdifa'o&J htem*wftajctae
tjrifudkayghav wqdwfajymjyygtHk; /
KNN ; 'Dtwdkif;om oGm;aer,fqdk,if tem*wf&cdkifvlrsdK;awG&J h rsdK;cspfpdwfaysmufuG,fvm
jyD; pD;yGg;a&; / ynga&; / vlrSka&; tp&Sdonf &cdkifhvlrSkygwf0ef;usifwckvHk;ysufpD;jyD;
AIDS a&m*grsdK;vdk a&m*gqdk;awG rsm;oxufrsm;vmrSm ajr}uD;vufcwfrvGJygbJ/
GMA : &cdkifjynfoltygt0if ArmwjynfvHk;&SdjynfolawGudk aemufqHk;taeeJ hudkEdkifEdkifbm
awGrSmcsif / t}uHay;csifygovJ /
KNN ; jynfolawGudk usaemfajymcsif'guawmh wdkif;jynfwjynfwdk;wufa&;twGuf jynfol
awG/ txl;ojzifh tem*wfrsdK;qufopfjzpfwJhvli,fawG[m rl;,pfaq;0g;eJ huif;uGm
jyD; / rl;,pfaq;0g;udkvHk;0roHk;pGJjcif; / ynma&;udkOD;pm;ay;judk;pm;jcif;[m etz ppft
pdk;&jyKwfusa&;udk ulnD&ma&mufa}umif; jynfolawGudk ajym}um;vdkygw,f ? ?

The Good Morning Arakan (News) – GMA

Daung Min Ltd was deconstructed by SPDC

a'gif;rif;ukr`%Dudk etzrSzsufodrf;vdkufjcif;

ppfawG - atmufwdkbm 30 ? ? r}umcifu a'gif;rif;ukr`%Dudk etzrSzsufodrf;vdkufa}umif; ppfawGrSvmaom cdkifvHkaom owif;&yfuGuft&od&onf?
a'gif;rif;ukr`%Donf jrefrmjynfY t"du 'DZ,fqDESifh pm;tHk;qDudk rav;&Sm;uwifoGif;&ef etzxHrSvdkifpif&&Sdxm;aom ukr`%D jzpfa}umif;od&Sd&onf?
a'gif;rif;ukr`%Dzsufodrf;cH&jcif; t"duta}umif;&if;rSm 4if;ukr`%D.t"du&S,f,gydkif&Sifrsm;onf&cdkifvlrsdK;rsm;jzpfaejcif;
ESifh &cdkifvlrsdK;trsm;pkudkvkyfom;rsm;tjzpf 4if;ukr`%DwGifawG h&Sd&jcif;wdk hu vuf&SdeHygwf ( 1 ) AdkvfcsKyfrSL;}uD; oef;a&$.
oruf OD;awZtm;rsufpdpyg;arSG;pl;apjcif;wdk hjzpfa}umif; tvkyfvufrJhjzpfoGm;aom a'gif;rif;ukr`%DrS tvkyfoRm;a[mif;
aemufqHk;od&aom owif;t& a'gif;rif;ukr`%Dydkif oabFm 3 pif;udk etzrS yvF,fjyifwGif odrf;ydkufvdkufjyD; aemufoabFm wpD;udkppfawGwGifzrf;qD;odrf;ydkufvdkufonf[kod&Sd&onf? xdk ha}umifh tvkyfvufrJhjzpfoGm;aom tvkyfoRm;rsm;/ oabFmom;
rsm;rSmb0&yfwnfa&;txl;cufcJhoGm;jcif;a}umifh wcsdK hrSm&efukefrS ppfawGodk hb0ysufxGufcGgvm&jyD; wcsdK hrSm b*Fvma'h(&Sf)
EdkifiHodk hxGufcGgvm}u&onf[kqdkonf?
a'gif;rif;ukr`%D. tpk&S,f,gydkif&SifwOD;jzpfaom Edkb,fwJcdk&dyfomydkif&Sif OD; atmifEdkif0if;udkvnf; zrf;qD;xm;a}umif; cdkifrm aomowif;&yfuGuf. owif;ay;ydk hcsuft&od&onf?

The Good Morning Arakan News – GMA (News

Interview with Ma Khaing who have been forced labour in Prichaung dam

jydkif;acsmif;qnfwGif t"rRvkyftm;ay;jcif;cHcJh&aom rcdkifESifhGMA awG hqHkar;jref;crf;
GMA: ESmr,f b,fvdkac:ygovJ /
rcdkifyg /
GMA: toufbavmuf&SdjyDvJ/
23 ESpfyg /
GMA: 'gqdk vkyftm;ay;&wkef;u 13 ESpfavmufaygh /
[kwfuJh usrwdk hrdom;pku txl;usyfwnf;}uawmh rdom;pk 3 a,gufteuf usrudkxnfhvdkuf
&Hkuty bmrS rwwfESdkifcJh}uygbl; rdom;pk0ifwdkif; rao&Hkwr,fvkyfrS touf&Sif&rJhtajcae rsdK;rSm /
GMA: Zm"du
ig;aqmifzuf&Gm / ausmufawmfjrdK he,fuyg/
GMA: tJ'Dqnfudk bmtwGufqnfw,fvdk hajymcJhygovJ /
aEGpyg;pdkufzdk h&,f / ykZGefarG;jrLa&;vkyfzdk h&,feJ h a&tm;vSsyfppfxkyfzdk hvdk hawmhajym'gbJ /
GMA: jzpfvmygovm; /
6 vygwf0ef;usifavmufbJ}umr,fxifw,f jyefaygufoGm;w,f /
GMA: rcdkiftazu bmvkyfvJ/
&&mtvkyfaygh r,fr,f&&r&Sdygbl; v,fxGefwJhtcsdefrSm v,fxGeftiSg;vdkufw,f / ysdK;pdkufrJhtcsdefrSm ysdK;pdkuf / aumufodrf;rJhtcsdefrm aumufodrf;tiSg;vdkuftJvdkrsdK;aygh / r,fr,f
&& odyfr&Sdygbl; odwJhtwdkif; vSsyfppfr&Sd / puf&Hk tvkyf&Hkqdk'g a0vma0;jzpfwJh usrwdk h&Jh&cdkifa' orSm usrwdk htazvdkvlpm;rsdK;trsm;}uD;bJav/
GMA: xm;ygawmh jydKif;acsmif;vkyftm;ay; pcrf;ta}umif;c% ajymjyygtHk; /
[kwfuJhjyefajymif;ajym&rSmawmif odyfpdwfraumif;ygbl; vlowfrSkawG / trsdK;oRD;awGudk ESrcsif;
rpmem t"rRrSkawG/ vlawGudk uGsefvdk wd&dw>efvdkjykusifhrSkawG&SdcJhavawmh/
tJ'Djydkif;acsmif;qnftwGuf cr& (374) a'gif;awmif,dk;pcrf;rS ausmufawmfjrdK he,f we,fvHk;uvlawGudk yxrawmh w&Gm 10 a,gufus / aemufawmh wtdrfudkwa,gufus rvdkufr&Sd&t"rRqifhac:cJhyg w,f/ tm;vHk;udk,fhp&dwfeJ hudk,faESmf / rusef;rm,if aq;zdk;0g;cu tp tm;vHk;udk,fhp&dwf/
ydkifqHwwfESdkifwJhvlawGu awmh vltiSg;xnfh}uw,fayghav wygwfudk 700d ay;}u&w,f
'Dae hvdkaiGwefbdk; puULpkwfvdkjzpfaewJh tcsdefrsdK;eJ hESdkif;pm,ifawmh tenf;qHk; 10000d ywf
0ef;usifay;&vdrfhr,fvdk hxifygw,f/
GMA: pcrf;wae hwmtawG ht}uHKav;eJeJajymjyygtHk; /
[kwfuJh reuf apmapm 4 em&Duwnf;ux&ygw,f tJ'Duae aevnf 12 rSm ,Hkcsif,Hkr,Hk
csifae 15 rdepf tcsdefay;w,f tJ'D 15 rdepftcsdefrSm csufvdk hwifrubl;pm;vdk hvJjyD;&r,f /
tJ'ga}umifh vlawGae hwdkif;vdkxRif;reyfweyf bJpm;cJh}u&w,fvdk hqdk&r,f / wcsdK hqdk tcsdef
aphyavGrSkwfawmhxRif;tdk;uqlzdk hvkyfwkef; tJawmh'Dtwdkif;xm;cJh&aygif;rsm;ygw,f / tJxRif;
iwfwJhae haygif;rsm;w,faygh&Sif vlawGb,fvdkaervJpOf;pm;}unfhaygh / tJ'Duae nae 6 em
&DtxdvHk;0rem;&bl; usrwdk hEGm;wd&dw>efvdk&kef;cJh&ygw,f/ &duQmukefvdk hrwwfESdkifwJhudef;qdkuf
xGufajy;}uawmh / tdrfrSmusefcJhwJh cav; / ouf}uD;&G,ftdkra&Smif zrf;jyD;acsmqGJvm}ujyef a&m/
GMA: txdtcdkuf Oyrm temw& toufqHk;&SHk;rSkawG&SdcJ hygovm; /
[kwfuJh&SdcJhygw,f / Oyrm – wef;pDzdk h0DpDrSKwfwJhtcsdefrsdK;awGrSm 0wJhvlawG/ t&yf&SnfwJhvl awGudk wef;rnDbl;qdkjyD;awmh &dkufw,f ESdyfpufw,f / tcsdefeJeJaemufuswJholawGudkvnf; ouf}uD;&G,ftdkracsmif a,gufsm;awGqdkzg;ckefcdkif;jcif;/ aeylxJrSm waeukefvdkuif;jrD;aumuf axmifaecdkif;jcif;/ &dkufjcif;/ rdef hr}uD;awGudktarta':jcif;rpmem t&G,feJ hrvdkufatmif em;&Guf qGJjyD;xdkifxvkyfcdkif;jcif;/ rvkyfjyef,ifvnf; &dkufESufESdyfpufawmh xdkifxvnf;vkyf jyD;a&m&SufjyD; rcsdwifuJidkajuG;}uawmh'gygbJ/
'DtvkyfawGudk AdkvfnGef hvSdkifOD;pD;jyD;awmhvkyfcJhygw,f / rdef hcav;awGudk pcrf;xJoef h&Sif;a&; vkyfr,f / xRif;csufcdkif;r,fqdkjyD;awmhac:w,f/ [dka&mufawmh t"rRjyKusifh}uw,f/ tJovdk
eJ hrdef hcav; 10 ausmf t"rRjyKusifhjcif;cHcJh&jyD;awmh / aq;0g;r&Sdjcif;/ vlrqefpGm&dkufESufjcif; 'g%fawGa}umifh vl6 a,guftoufqHk;&SHK;cJh&ygw,f?
GMA: rcdkiftaeeJ h 'Djydkif;acsmif;qnfeJ hygwfoufjyD;awmhbmawGajymcsifygao;vJ /
[kwfuJh usrodyfem;vnfvdk hr&'gwcku jydKif;acsmif;qnftawG htjuHkeJ hywfoufjyD;awmh usr wdk h&cdkifvlrsdK;awGtay:rSm ArmtkyfcsKyfolawG&J htjyKtrl[m vlvlcsif; odk hr[kwf wEdkifiHwnf;
om;csif;jyKrlwJhyHkpHrsdK;vdk husr cHpm;vdk hr&bl;jzpfaew,f / [dkaus;ydkifuGsefydkifpHepfu uGsefydkif&Sif
awGu uGsefawGtay:rSmjyKrlwJhtjyKtrlrsdK;vdkjzpfaew,f tJ'ga}umifh'Dae hArmtkyfcsKyfolawG
&J hvGSrf;rdk;xm;wJh twGif;tjyif a& 'D,dku }um;ae&wJh jynfaxmifpkrjydKuGJa&; qdk'gawG 'gawG u usrwdk h&cdkifawGvnf;olwdk heJ hwef;wlvdkjzpfaew,f / wu,faumusrwdk h[m olwdk heJ h twlwlvm; / vlawGrS[kwf,ufvm;/ qnfvkyftm;ay;jyD; 2 Espfavmuft}um odyfwrsdK;}uD; cHpm;&vdk husr b*Fvme,fpyf ALP t&SdwJhae&mzufudka&mufvmawmh ArmjynfqdkwJhEdkifiH vGwfvyfzdk h &cdkifvlrsdK;awGxJu q&mawmfOD;OwWrvdk yk*~vfrsdK;/ trsm;}uD;vJacgif;aqmiftjzpf yg0ifcJh}uw,fqdk&J htJoavmufygbJ// //

The Good Morning Arakan (News) – GMA
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

Interview with Ko Naing Naing, on the occasion of 126th Birth Day Anniversary of Ven. U Ottama

&cdkifhtmZmenf q&mawmfOD;OwWrESifhywfoufI126ESpfajrmufq&mawmf.arG;ae hwGif
GMA-News rS &Spfav;vHk;rsdK;qufopf udkEdkifEdkif (ppfawG) ESifh awG hqHkar;jref;jcif;

GMA: q&mawmf&Jh rdb trnf arG;zGm;ouU&mZf tJ'g awGeJ hywfoufjyD; pmtkyfpmapmifawGrSm uGJjym;
ae'gawG awG h&ygw,f / tJ'DudpPEJh ywfoufjyD; udkEdkifEdkif eJeJajymjyygvm;/

[kwfuJh q&mawmf&Jh tzESmr,fu OD;pHjrjzpfjyD; trdu a': atmifjuGjzLjzpfygw,f / q&mawmfharG;ae h ouU&mZfu 1879 ck 'DZbFmv28&uf / we*FaEGae hjzpfygw,f/ arG;&yfZm"du &cdkifjynf/ ppfawGjrdK h&lyajrmuf acsmif;em;vrf; jzpfygw,f /
trSm;wcsdK hudkajym&r,fqdk,if OD;b&ifa&;wJhpmtkyfrSm q&mawmf&Jhtrd ESmr,fudka':atmifausmfolvdk h rSm;,Gif;az:jyxm;jcif;/ q&mawmf &J harG;zGm;ouU&mZftrSm; wcsdK hudk ajym&r,fqdk,if ppfawGjrdK h OD;OwWr yef;jcH&dS OD;OwWr &kyfxkwGif 'DZbFm 14&uf[k 4if; OD;b&if. pmtkyfwGif 'DZbFm 27&uf[k 4if;awG h&dS&yg w,f/

GMA: udkedkifedkif&J h q&mawmfeJ h yufoufvdk hvSkyf&Sm;aewmawGudk awG h&w,f/ &,f&G,fcsufudk wqdwf

usaemfhudk arG;zGm;wJ htdrf[m q&mawmfarG;zGm;wJ htdrfeJ h 5aqmifom jcm;ygw,f/ usaemfhtazzufu tzD;r eJ hq&mawmf[m ausmif;aezufjzpfjyD; aqGrsdK;vnf; awmfygw,f/

GMA: jzpfESkdifr,fqdk&if tao;pdyfav; eJeJodyg&aptHk;/
[kwfuJh usaemfi,fpOfuwnf;u q&mawmf&J h judk;pm;rSK/ owWd&dSrSKrsm;udk od&dS&ef zQif (OD;}uD;pdef) u tdrf rSma&m a[majymyGJawGrSmyg ajymjya[mjy'ga}umifh }um;&zefrsm;vmwJ htcg wjznf;jznf;eJ hpdwf0ifpm;vm w,f aemufawmh eufeufeJeJ jzpfvmygw,f/ tJ'ga}umifh q&mawmf&Jhxl;jcm;wJh judk;pm;tm; xkyfrSkawG bk&ifcH *&ufa'gufudkxd xGufoGm;vdk hESifxkyf&JwJhowWdawGudk vltrsm;odatmif vkyfESdkifzdk h q&mawmf eSifh yufoufjyD; pHkprf;&SmazGvmcJhw,f/

GMA: bmawGrsm;awG h&dS vmygovJ/ Oyrm – &dk;&dk;xuf xl;jcm;wJh tajctaersdK;/
&Sm;&Sm;yg;yg;"gwfyHkaygif; 20 eJ hq&mawmf&Jh xdk;jrJvufrSwfwckudk&SmazGawG h&SdjyD; q&mawmf0wfcJhwJh ouFef; wpHkudkvnf; awG h&dScJhygw,f/ 4if;ypPnf;rsm;txJrS wcsdK hudk q&mawmfoDwif;oHk;cJhaom &cdkifjynf ppfawGjrdK h&dS a&$apwDbkef;awmf}uD;ausmif;wGif q&mawmf OD;OwWr. jywdkuftjzpf jyKvkyfay;cJhygw,f/

GMA: ajymESdkifr,fqdk&iftao;pdwfqufajymygtHk;/
'DvdkeJ h qufpHkprf;awmh q&mawmf&J h&kyfxkwckudk tjynfjynfqdkif&m &efukefavqdyfteD; yef;ykq&m}uD;
OD;[efwiftdrfrm b,fzufvufawmfY pmtkyfwtkyfudk zGifhudkifxm;jyD; nmbufvuf usdK;jywfaeaom a&ndStxyfxyfwufaeonfh q&mawmf. yHkwl ausmuf&kyfxkudk &ifeifhajuuJGzG,f&m awG h&dScJh&ygw,f/
'DvdkeJ hqufpHkprf;&if; ,Qifu trf;jrdK h. A[dk&f tcsuftcsm ae&mwGif awG hcJ h&aom q&mawmf&J hausmuf &kyfxki,f wckudkvnf; ppfav,mOfuGif; aqmufrnfqdkjyD; jcHKEG,fydwfaygif; v$rf;aewJh awmifapgif;wae&m
udk ajymif;a&$ hxm;vkdufwm awG hcJh&ygw,f/
q&mawmfOD;OwWrudk a&$wd*HkapwD ajc&if;wGif rD;oò*FDvfcJhygw,f/ 4if;ae&mrSm tkyf*ltrSwftom; wckck &dSrvm;vdk h vdkufvH&SmazG cJhw,f/ vHk;0rawG hcJh&ygbl;/ 'gayrJ htJ'Dae&mrSm tvGef}uD;us,fcrf;em;wJh udkawmf
rSdKif;tkyf*l eJ htvGefao;i,fvGef; wJ hukvor*~f twGif;a&;rSL;csKyfa[mif; OD;oef h&J htrSwfrxif tkyf*ludkomawG h&dScJ h&w,f/

GMA: qufajymygtHk;/
qufvufpHkprf;awmh &efukef/ ykZGefawmif aps;teD; q&mawmf ysHvGefawmfrrlcif aeawmfrlcJhaom anmif wkef;ausmif;odk ha&mufoGm;cJhygw,f/ tJ'DrSm wcg pdwfraumif;zG,f&m awG h&wmu rdk;xJavxJav[m
jyifrSm ypfxm;wJhaqG;ajr haeaom q&mawmf aemufqHk;usdef;cJhonfh ukwifwvHk;/
'DvdkeJ hq&mawmfESkifh wjcm;edkifiHa&;oRm;rsm; aecJhaom urm&Guf vSnf;wef;aps;teD; wyfwGif;ausmif;udk
a&mufoGm;w,f/ tJ'DrSm q&mawmfeJ hyufoufwJ htaxmuftxm;awGudk ar;jref; }unfhawm hausmif;
xdkifq&mawmfu bk&m;crf;wGif q&mawmf OD;OwWrESkifh OD;0dpm& t&dk;tdk;eSpfvHk; &dScJ ha}umif; odk haomf &SmrawG hcJ hyg/
tJ'Dausmif;uae taemufbufrSm&dSwJ h usm;ausmif;udk n$ef; qdkjyefw,f/ usm;ausmif;udka&mufoGm;awmh
ywf0ef;usifrSm axmufvSrf;a&;awGbJ&SdwJhta}umif;odcJh&wJhtwGuf t&dk;tdk;&SmyHkawmftJ'DrSmbJed*Hk;csKyfcJh&

GMA: &kyfxkESifhywfoufvdk hxyfajymp&m &dSygao;ovm;/

&dSygw,f &kyfxkESifhywfoufvdk hqufpHkprf;awm h ppfawG &efukef um;vrf;azmufvkyf&mrSm rkwf0vkyfwJ h
yef;ykq&m}uD; OD;[efwif &J hwynfh wa,mufudk oGm;awG hjyefw,f/ oluajymjycJh'gu tudkwdk h&J h
&cdkifhtmZmeD q&mawmfOD;OwWr a}u;&kyfxkudk t&nfazsmf}uawm hr,f/ tjrefqHk; vdkufvHpHkprf;yg[k ajym
wJ htwGuf tjrefvdkufvHpHkprf;&m a}u;&kyfxkum; r&dS[kajymjyD; vufwbufusdK;jywfaeaom ausmuf&kyf
xkudkom vkdufvHjyocJ hygw,f/ usaemfu OD;[efwifoRD;tm; usaemfhrSm q&mawmfOD;OwWr jywdkufwckvkyf
xm;a}umif; .&kyfxkudk &cdkifjynfodk hyifhaqmifvdka}umif; ajym&m ol hoRD;u EdkifiHjcm;wGifa&mufaeaom
ol htpfudkESifh aqG;aEG;jyD; ta}umif;}um;rnfjzpfa}umif;ajymojzifh jyefvmcJ h&w,f/
aemuf 6v t}um vmyifhaqmifESkdifa}umif; ta}umif;}um;cJ hayrJ htcuftcJtrsdK;rdsK;a}umifh ryifhjzpfav
awm hyg/
aemufxyfpHkprf;}unf hwJ htcg a}u;&kyfESifhywfoufI aumfrwD&dSa}umif; 4if;aumfrwDonf rqv/ e0w/
etz ppftpdk;&udk a}umufwJ htwGuf 4if;aumfrwD&J htvkyfwm0efrsm;udk raqmif&Guf0H hawmha}umif;
od&dScJ h&ygw,f/

GMA: etzvufxuf q&mawmfOD;OwWrESifhywfoufvdk hxl;jcm;csuf&Sdygovm;/

xl;jcm;csufuawmhjrefrmjynf wwd,wef; pmtkyfrSm jyXgef;xm;wJ hq&mawmfOD;OwWr&Jh twˆKywœdudky,f
zsufxm;a}umif;awG h&ygw,f/
ppfawGjrdK h&cdkifhjynf ,Ofaus;rSL jywdkufrSmvnf; q&mawmf&Jh "gwfyHkudk jzKwfcsjcif;cH&ygw,f/ ppfawGjrdK hOD;
OwWryef;jcHrSmvnf; vSsyfppfrD;xGef;cGifhrjyKawmh/
'g hjyif odyfxl;jcm;wJhtcsufwcsufu &efukef ppfordkif;jywdkufrSma&ShudkvufnSdK;xdk;xm;wJh OD;0dpm&&kyfxk&Sd w,f ol h&Jhab;wzufwcsuf rSm az/ yk/ &Sdef qdkwJhyk*~dKvfawG&Jh&kyfxkawGuvnf;tpDt&D/ OD;0dpm&&kyfxk vuf nSdK;xdk;xm;wJh wnfhwnfhrSmu taemufEdkifiHom; bk&ifcH *&ufa'guf / q&mawmf OD;OwWr&Jh &J&Jawmuf rdef;cGef;ajymcJhwJ hpum; *&ufa'guf *wfa'gufvdk ha&;xm;wJh qdkif;bkwfudk OD;0dpm&&kyfxka&ShrSm csxm;

4if;jywdkufrSm q&mawmfeJ hAdkvfcsKyfatmifqef; tdENd,rSm &dkufcJ hwJh"gwfyHkum;csyfwcsyfvnf;aysmufqHk;ae a}umif; (4if;"gwfyHkrSm xl;xl;jcm;jcm; q&mawmf&Jh b,fzufvufawmfrSmvufywfem&D ywfxm;'gawG h cJh&w,f)ordkif;jywdkufu wm0efcHwOD;jzpfol AdkvfwdkufcGsef;&Jhom;uajymjyvdkufw,f/

GMA: q&mawmf&JhEdkifiHa&;vSkyf&Sm;cJhrSktay: &cdkifhtrsdK;om;a&;eJ hqufpyfjyD; udkEdkifEdkif&Jhtjrifudkwqdwf

q&mawmfuajymcJhygw,f ig[m zefrD;tdrfeJ hwlw,f rD;tdrf[m ywf0ef;usifudktvif;ay;ESdkifcJhayrJhudk,fh t&dyfudkusawmh tvif;ray;ESdkifcJhbl;vdk hajymcJhygw,f/

GMA: OD;OwWr yef;jcHuae uefawmfrifyef;jcHjzpfoGm;&wJhta}umif;wqdwfajymESdkifr,fqdk,ifajymjyyg

usaemfodoavmufajym&r,fqdk&if tpdk;&u uefawmfrifyef;jcHudk q&mawmfudk*k%fjyKwJhtaeeJ hOD;OwW ryef;jcHqdkjyD;ajymif;&r,fqdkwJhyk'fryg0ifa}umif; tJ'ga}umifh OD;OwWryef;jcHjzpfvma}umif; 'gayrJhwaeawmh
h r[mArm0efjuD;wOD;&Hk;u tjyefrSm ol h&Jh yDatudk 'Dqdkifbdk;udk rjrif&Sifbl; reufzefudkrjrif&ap eJ hvdk
htrdeff hay;cJhwJhtwGuf OD;OwWr yef;jcHaysmufuG,fcJh&jcif;jzpfa}umif;&,fygbJ/

GMA: &cdkifhtmZmeD q&mawmf OD;OwWreJ hywfoufvdk hudkEdkifEdkif aemufqHk;bmajymcsifao;ovJ

jrefrmEdkifiHvGwfvyfa&;twGuf rsufaphzGifhay;cJhaom aus;Zl;&Siftm&Sae0ef;/ vGwfvyfa&;rD;&Sl;wef;aqmif q&mawmfOD;OwWrudk aus;Zl;rarh}uzdk h ajym}um;vdkygw,f ?

GMA: ckvdkq&mawmfeJ hywfoufjyD; tao;pdwf pdwf&Snfvuf&Snf ajzay;wJhtwGuf GMA-News
group utxl;aus;Zl;wifygw,f/

usaemfvnf; GMA-News group utckvdkusaemhfudk q&mawmf OD;OwWr&Jh126ESpfajrmufarG;aeh
rSm q&mawmfeJ hygwfoufjyD; ar;jref;jcif;tay: odoavmufajz}um;cGifh&jcif;twGuf txl;aus;Zl;wif a}umif;ajym}um;vdkygw,f cifAsm;?

The Good Morning Arakan - GMA(News)
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Grave situation of Buddhist political refugee in Bangladesh

Dhaka - Friday, Nov 11, 05: According to an anonymity Burmese Buddhist political refugee, in Bangladesh Buddhist political refugees were recognized by UNHCR since around 1990. At that time, Somali, Irani, Iraqi, Sri Lanker, Sieralions and Burmese, etc have been, among of them majority percent of refugees were Somali, they have been around 300 hundreds over personals.

That refugee told that when reached 1993, Burmese political refugee are become second majority stage mentioned among of them but only around 30 personals not more than that. And along 1990 to 1998, they (Burmese Buddhist refugees) have learnt that like everything have been going on smoothly including children educational in English Medium under the protection of concern authorities, when Somali nationals were around 300. Among of them around 30 Somali nationals refugees were provided with every facilities in international hostel as universities students by concern departments in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

By the way, mentioned among of them mostly of Somali, Irani, Iraqi, Sirilanken, Sieralions were gradually resettle in third countries. When reached 1998, 98% Somali were resettle in third countries and other Irani, Iraqi, etc were also nearly exhaust in Bangladesh. At the mean time other left refugees had to take so-called lump sum ( around $ 500, 400, 300, etc ) in 1998 under the 1997 policy of UNHCR.
With those small so-called lump sum, no any refugee could stand in self-reliance because lack of language skill, vocational training and lack of local people cooperation.

In that way, when reach in 2003, even refugees’ children educational expenses were also stopped for English medium and had to convert Bangli medium from English. Even though no problems for little students but had to totally stop their respective educational for older students under the like such sort of ill-treatment educational program of concern authority.

In previous years, Buddhist political refugees were experience arrested, tortured by authority of this country. And present days also, like always Buddhist political refugees were/ are being arrested persecution and interrogated by BDR, RAB, etc in the result of misinformation given by local people (Mr. Min War, a Buddhist political refugee recognized by UNHCR, is still in jail , authority personals are searching so hardly for Min War’s false). In this way, Buddhist political refugees are facing with so suffering in this country, like neither can live in urban because stopped SA by UNHCR since 1998 and nor live in rural because operation going on arms forces of Bangladesh by the name of against terrorists.

Even though they are suffering like in hell as mentioned in above, their concern authority are trying to stop even for their dependents SA (as mentioned in following document) which are being provided by UNHCR mean while consumption rates are ten time higher than if compare from 1990 (90 Tk have been provided for head of family and 45 Tk is being provided for per dependent by UNHCR).

So, on behalf of my fellow Buddhist political refugees, well-wishers NGOs and any third countries are requested by me very earnestly for save us from this hell. Said an anonymity Burmese Buddhist political refugee.

The Good Morning Arakan (News) - GMA


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Uaut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les regugies

House # NE (N) 8, Road # 90. Tel: + 880-2-8826802-06
Gulshan-2, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh Fax: +880-2-8826557

Ref no: BGDDA/6684

Subject: Assistance Policy for the Mandate Refugee and the Dependants

Please be informed that in light of recent developments, UNHCR Bangladesh is reviewing its urban refugee programme to ensure better protection and programme delivery for the mandate refugees and their dependents as follows:
1. The maximum period of the subsistence allowance (SA) will be for six months starting from the date of the recognition as a refugee. The dependant (s) having derivative status accordingly will have SA also for six months. No SA will be applicable for persons who will be included in the file at the latter stage(ie. New arrival or birth).
The rate of SA will remain the same as existing one (i.e. BDT 90. 00 and BDT 45. 00 respectively for the main applicant and dependant(s) per day).
2. After having SA for a period of six months, the IC will be provided with a lump-sum amount for his/her income generation and self-reliance(SR) activities. That means the IC has to come up with a proposal within six months, so that s/he could start the SR activity following the end of the period for SA. This allowance (SA) period will not be extended unless there is a valid reason or a special circumstance.
3. The amount of the SR grant will be around BDT 20,000.00 (Twenty thousand only). Latter on, an additional amount may be provided considering prospect of the project and its viability. This provision will be effected from 1st January 2006.
4. As the lump-sum amount provided aims at the ICs be self-reliant and capable of supporting the dependant, if any, so no more SA OR other allowances (except education allowance for the school going children, need-based medical allowance-subject to certification from a designated physician) will be applicable.
5. SA that has exceeded six months (irrespective of main applicants and dependants) will be stopped from January 2006. (last month of payment will be December 2005). This will be applicable irrespective of levels of the refugees.
6. The education allowance for the school going children will be continued as per existing practice (this is also under further review).
7. The office will be providing special consideration in case of elderly persons, woman headed family, unaccompanied children, or other wise in a vulnerable situation.
8. For any clarification or further information in this regard, please contact our implementing partner, RCSU of Dhaka Ahsania Mission, House-11/A, Road –12 (New), Dhanmondi Residential Area, Dhaka – 1209, Tel: 9145103, 0189 274377. If required, they will arrange a meeting for you with the concerned official from UNHCR.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Already signed
Christopher Beng Cha Lee

Present consumtion rate of Arakan (Rakhine State)

&cdkifa'o. rsufarSmufukefaps;ESkef;ESkef; tajcaerSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfonf

1 ? taumif;pm;qef wodkuf ------------------------ 300d
2 ? &dk;&dk;qef wodkuf ------------------------ 200d
3 ? &cJaygifw&m ,ck -------------------------6000d
,cif -------------------------1500d

4 ? 'DZ,fqD -------------------------5500d
5 ? "gwfqD -------------------------3500d
6 ? &efukef-ppfawG-um;c ,cif --------------------- 7000d
,ck ---------------------12000d
7 ? awmifukwf-&efukef- um;c ,cif ------------------ 4000d
,ck -------------------- 5500d
8 ? rvdc§arc oabFmp&dkuf
ppfawG-awmifukwf - ,cif ---------------------16000d
,ck -------------------- 13600d
qDaps;}uD;I bl;oD;awmif - armifawm rvdc§arc oabFm vdkif;ydwfxm;& /

tjcm;aps;ESkef;rsm;qufvufpHkprf;qJ --------

The Good Morning Arakan ( News ) – GMA

Crisis of clean water for Sittwe people, Arkan State, Burma.

ppfawGjrdK holjrdK hom;rsm; a&oef hjyoemESifh aoa&;&Sifa&;wrSs&ifqdkifae&jcif;

ppfawG-edk0ifbm 17// ? aEG&moDra&mufao; jrdk hol}uD;&yfuGuf (yg'vdyfcsdwf&yfuGuf) w&m;oD;pk/ a&$jym; qiful;vrf;&yfuGufwdk hrSm eHeufapmapm 4 em&DrSxjyD; a&cyfa&o,f}u&/ 4 em&DrS onf 6 em&Da&mufaomtcg vHk;0a&rvmavawmh/ wzufwGifvnf; Todk htcsdef
rawmfx&jcif;a}umifh/ tdrfudk olcdk;cdk;cH&jcif; / vrf;wGifvlqdk;vlayrsm. rawmfrw&m;jyKusifh
cH&jcif;/ wcgw&H yvdyftzrf;cH&jcif; tp&Sdonfjzifh rvdkvm;tyfzG,f&maomif;ajcmufaxmif
ESifh &ifqdkifae}u&ayonf/
Tenf;tm;jzifh ESpfpOf ESpfwdkif;txufuaz:jycJhaom&yfuGufwdk hwGif ZEM0g&Da&mufv#ifvHk;0 a&rvm/ xdk ha}umifh a&$jym;/ w&m; oD;pk/ vrRawmfawmif qiful;vrf; &yfuGuf tp&dSonf
wdk hrSjrdk hol jrdk hom;rsm; w&m;oD;pk&Sd xef;yif&if;uefudk aomufa&ueftjzpf eSpfwdkif;vdkvdktm; xm;ae}u&onf/
txl;uHqdk;onfum; 4if;&yfuGufwdk hwGif ta0pdwGif;wl;vdk huvnf; a&aumif;a&oefhvHk;0 xGufIrvm/ xdk ha}umifh T&yfuGuf &dSvlxkonf a&jyoemudk udk,fxludk,fx pHeSyfjzifh ajz&Sif; }u&ef wtdrfudk aiG 20000usyfpD ay;vkduf}u&onf/ odk haomf,ae hxda&um; aumif;aumif; rGefrGefr&&Sd}uao;/
TuJhodk h txufuaz:jycJonfh ppfawGjrdk h&yfuGufrsm; a&jyoemeSifh &ifqdkifae}u&onfh t"duta}umif;&if;rSm ppfawGwjrdk hvHk;udk a&;jzefha0ay;onfh uefawmf}uD;ta&S hzuf wyf&if; rSl; pdkif;0if;az OD;aqmifonfh vHkxdrf;wyf&if;. &duQm pdkufysdK;a&;twGuf[kqdkum uefawmf}uD; atmufajcrS ykdufvHk;}uD;udk azmufI ykdufvdkif;oG,fum vdkavao;r&dS olwdk h. &duQmpdkuf uGif;rsm;udk a&ay;aejcif;a}umifh jzpfonf[k jrdk holjrdk hom;rsm;u qdkonf/ 4if;udpPudkvnf;jrdK h
awmfpnfyifXmeu vHk;0rajymqdk0Hh}uay/
ppfawGwGif uefawmf}uD;rS a&ay;a0onfh pHepfatmuf a&&&dSaom&yfuGufaygif; 23 &yfuGuf&ddSonf/ ,if;wdk htxJrS a&tjrJvdkvdk&&Sdaom &yfuGuf 13 &yfuGufwGif ,ckeSpf atmf*kwfv 25&uf aehrSpI a& rDwmprf;oyfwyfqifay;onf[k qdkonf/ rDwmwvHk;twGuf wtdrfudk aiG 10000d pDay;}u &onf/ ray;ol/ ray;edkifolwdk h. ykdufvdkif;udk ydwfypfchJonf[k qdkonf/ Tvkyfief;udk t"duwm0ef,l vkyfudkif&olrSm jrdk he,fpifyifom,mtwGif;a&;rSl; (tif*sifeD,m) OD;atmifoef;jzpfonf/
ppfawGjrdk holjrdk hom;rsm;twGuf uefawmf}uD;rS a&ay;a0a&;pHepfonfa&S;eSpfaygif;rsm;pGm t*Fvdyfvufxuf uyif jrdk holjrdk hom; vlOD;a& 50000 twGufom a&&G,fjyD; vkyfay;cJhjcif; jzpfonf/ ArmtkyfcskyfrSk hatmufodk ha&mufvmonfh tcsdefrSpI 4if;a&ay;a0a&; pHepfonf wdk;csJ hhwyfqifjcif; ydkufvHk;vJvS,fjcif;/ uHawmf}uD;udk rGef;rH jcif;tp&dSonf wpHkw&m vkyf aqmifjcif;r&dS/
xdk ha}umifh rdk;OD;uswGif ydkufvHk;tayguftjyJwdk hrS a&qdk;a&npfrsm; 0ifa&mufjcif;/ 'Da&}uD; aomumvwdk hwGif qm;iHa&rsm;0ifjcif;tp&dSonf qdk;usdk;w&m;rsm;a}umifh vl}uD;oli,frusef 0rf;azm 0rf;a&mifjzpfjcif;/ 0rf;avsmjcif; tp&dSonf 0ef;a&m*gwdk hjzifh eSpfpOfeSpfwdkif; jrdk hol
jrdl hom;wdk htoufaygif;rsm;pGm raooifhbJ aoqHk;ae}u&onf/
xdk ha}umifh ppfawGjrdk hrS jrdk hrdjrdk hzvdk vl}uD;vlaumif;wa,mufrS txl;pdwfraumif;zG,f owif;ay;ydk hchJonfrSm ppfawGjrdk holjrdk hom;rsm; a&aumif;a&oefh r&&dSjcif;a}umifh ESpfpOfESpfwdkif; touf aygif;rsm;pGmqHk;&kH;ae}u&onfhta}umif;udk urBmhjynfolvlxkodatmif wqdwfajymjy
ay;}uyg[kqdkonf ? ?

The Good Morning Arakan (News) – GMA
Contact us: ++ 88 011 081 074

More oppression upon the Arakanese people is for the best promotion

“a'oppf0wfuGwf&JrSL; AdkvfrSL;csKyf oef;xGef;atmif ESifhvufa0cH jrdK he,fpnfyifwdk h.
EdSyfpufrSKatmuf &cdkifhukefonf qdkifonfwdk h.'kuQ”

ppfawG-'DZbFm-26/ 2005 // // ppfawG &lyajrmuf/ uvm;acsmif; bvl;rwHxm;teD;/ pm;aomufqdkif 13 qdkif(jzdK; xRif;qdkif/ wufae0if;xRif;qdkif ESifh okcvuBuf&nfqdkiftygt0if tjcm;pm;aomufqdkif 10qdkifudk
4if;qdkifrsm;rS xGufaom trSdKufo&dkufrsm;a}umifh bvl;rwHxm;atmuf&dS acsmif;ydwfqdk honfqdkjyD;2003 wdkif;rSL;armifOD; vufxufuyif rw&m; ydwfypfcJ honf//
armifOD; ajymif;oGm;jyD;aemuf r0Hhr&J jyefzGifh/ 0rf;wxGmta&; r[kwfw[kwf toufqufae}upOf topf a&mufvmaom a'oppf0wfuGwf&JrSL; AdkvfrSL;csKyf oef;xGef;atmifu pnfyif (jrdK he,fpnfyifom,m a&;t
zJG h) OD;pD;rSL; AdkvfrSL;jrwfpdk;udk 4if;qdkifrsm;udkqufzGifhvSsifta&;,lrnf[ktrdef hay;cJhojzifh 'kuQa&mufae }u a}umif;/

odk haomf 4if;wdk htxJrS qdkifonfwa,guf. ajymjycsuft& t"duta}umif;rSm 4if;r[kwfa}umif; a'o ppfuGwfuJ a&;rSL;a[mif;uJhodk htopfa&mufvmaom a'oppf0wfuGwf&JrSL; AdkvfrSL;csKyf oef;xGef;atmif onf pnfyifOD;pD;rSL; AdkvfrSL;jrwfpdk;ESifhaygif;jyD; pm;ayguf xGifaejcif;omjzpfa}umif;/

2004 ckwGif a'oppfuGwfuJa&;rSL;a[mif;onf pnfyifESifhaygif;jyD; Avl;rwHxm;atmufu acsmif;udkwl;&ef [kta}umif;jyum tpdk;&Am;*swfodef; 50 usyfESifh &cdkifhukr`%Dydkif&Sifrsm;rS 2odef; rS 5odef;xd aiGaumufcHjyD; ydwfpm;oGm;a}umif;/
aemufwcsuf a&a}umif;c&D;onf ukefonfrsm;twGuf ydkIqdk;onfhtcsufwcsufrSm 4if;Avl;racsmif;udk
wdrfaum aponf[k rqDrqdkifta}umif;jyum ta}umif;rod 0ifa&mufrdaom pufavS/ avmif; avS/ oAŠmefrsm;udk tcGifhaumif;,l zrf;qD;odrf;qnf;jcif; rsm;vkyfaea}umif; / acsmif;0wGifyif ausmufcs&yf em;jcif; / ukefwifukefcsjyKvkyfjcif;wdk hudk vHk;0cGifhrjyKjcif;tp&Sdonfwdk ha}umifh txufuqdkcJhonfhqdkifonf rsm; / a&a}umif;ukefonfrsm; txl;'kuQa&mufae}ua}umif;owif;&&Sdygonf?

rSwfcsuf ? ? &cdkifjynfolwdk h,Hk}unfcHpm;ae}uonfrSm wdkif;rSL; / a'o ppf0wfuGwfa&;rSL; / pnfyifAdkvfrSL; wdk huJhodk haom ArmtkyfcsKyfolt&m&Sdqdk;rsm; &cdkifjynfolrsm;tay: rsm;rsm;ESdyfpufav &mxl;ydkjuD;av/
Oyrm – rif;a*gif / jroif; / 0if;jrifh / armifOF; wdk h&cdkifjynfrS ajymif;oGm;aomtcg 0ef}uD;rsm;jzpfoGm;}ujcif; (jroif; – jynfxJa&;0ef}uD; / 0if;jrifh – twGif;a&;rSL; -2/ armifOD; vuf&SdjynfxJa&;0efjuD;tp&Sdonfwdk h jzpfoGm;}ujcif;)?
,KQkvuf&Sdwdkif;rSL; cifarmifjrifhrSmvnf; a&Shu aemifawmfrsm;twdkif; &mxl;wuf&ef &cdkifhv,fajrrsm;udkt"rR odrf;jcif;/ ol&a&GSref;.om;xkyfvkyfaom tdkiftdk'if;qm;udk twif;t"rR r0,frae& vkyfjyaejcif;? ?

(Ttxufygowif;tcsuftvufrsm;udk EdkifEdkif (ppfawG) 8888 rsdK;qufopfrS&&Sdonf)

The Good Morning Arakan-GMA(News)
Contact number: ++ 88 011 074

Sunday, December 25, 2005

“Shan national leaders, U Nyo Tun and U Sai Hla Aung were shifted Rakhine State”

Sittwe – December 25, 2005: Accordance to firm sources (from Shan national 9 leaders group including U Khon Tun Oo) U Nyo Tun, (56), was sentenced 79 years imprisonment, very recently, he was already shifted from eastern Burma to Buthidaung jail, Rakhine state, western territory Burma, according to that sources.

U Nyo Tun’s own sister Daw Htay Htay Win and her spouse Mr. Myo Swe had started their long journey to meet with her owner brother, under the providing or help of ICRE, from Shan State, eastern side of Burma to Buthidaung jail, western side of Burma through by trains, cars, air and at last by No – 1 Dhinyawadi ship and arrived December 15, 2005.

U Nyo Tun’s case was handled by advocate Daw Ma Aye Nu Sein, a most prominent advocate in Rakhine State, accordance to that source.

From that Shan 9 leaders group, U Sai Hla Aung was also already shifted to Kyauk Pru jail, Rakhine state, Burma, according to that sources.

From that group, including U Sai Nyunt Lwin and others 6 personals Shan leaders were where we couldn’t trace, yet. We, are hunting for that cases and will continue.

U Sai Nyunt Lwin who lived in 9 miles place, Insein township of Rangoon Division, he used to helped in Rakhine people’s general matters such kinds of publishing historical books, and venerable Ven. U Ottama’s pictures were publishing by small amounts, etc, as sources.

Shan national leaders, U Khon Tun Oo, U Sai Hla Aung, U Sai Nyunt Lwin and other 6 personals were charged with sedition cases by SPDC then sentenced long term imprisonment for accusing have been connection with Liberated Shan State group, who are being declared separated Shan State from Burma since few months back.

The Good Morning Arakan
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

NB: This issue was received from Naing Naing (Sittwe), one of 8888 generation, as he told.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Suffering from seriously illness of former president of CPA, U Maung Han!

“&cdkifjynfuGefjrLepfygwD OuUXa[mif; OD;armif[ef txl;rusef;rrmjzpfedef”

“av;pm;&ygaom &cdkifol / &cdkifom;taygif;&dk h”
&cdkifjynfuGefjrLepfygwD OuUXa[mif; OD;armif[efonf txl;rusef;rrmjzpfedefa}umif; ol hudkoRD;&if;o
zG,fjyKpkedefonfh (acwW 'gumwGifa&mufedefaom) a':a&mifar ('dkif;euftrsdK;oRD;) rSwqifh udkEDkifEdkif odcJha}umif;r}umcifuajymcJhonf ?
udkAif&dk htm;vHk;od*wfawtwdkif; OD;armif[efonf &cdkifhtrsdK;om;awmfvSefa&;vrf;a}umif;xJrS &cdkifhuGefjrL
epfygwD(CPA)udk yxrOD;qHk; OD;aqmifcaom a*gif;aqmifwa,gufjzpfa}umif;ESifh ol.vkyf&nfudkif&nfESifh pdwfoabmxm; aumif;jcif;a}umifh &cdkifjynfol&dk h&cdkifjynfuGefjrLepfygwDxuf armif[efygwD[kom tod
rsm; tajymrsm;cJh}uonf /
ol hESifhywfoufI txl;0rf;eJ a}uuGJzG,f usaemfhtwGD tjuHkwckudk az:jy&rnfqdkvSsif ,Qif 10 ESpfygwf
0ef;usifavmufu edef hwedef hwGif usaemfhESifh zavmif;csdwf wedef&mwGifwGD}uaom tcg “ta0b}uD; igh
om;eJ hig rwGdapmf ESpfaygif;ESpfq,fausmfAsmjzpfvdk h igeJ hwGdzdk hvmvwfaw a'*kjyeftvm;rm igheJ hquf
oG,fa&qdkjAD;au r}umcifu ighom;udk e0w&dk howfypfvDAsmaxm/ ighom;ighyg;udk v,fzdk hrvmc autouf oDvDzdk hr[kwf” [kqdkum ol htouft&G,fudkyifraxmufESdkifbJ usaemh&SdrSm 0rf;eJyufvuf idkjuGD;vDygonf/
vufeufudkifawmfvSefa&;oRm;b0wdukd vuf&dSjydK*swfatmufursufpd a':vmatmufursufpdeJh}unfhvdk h
um;vHk;0 vufwGduszdk hr[kwf/
4if;xuf ESpfaygif;eSpf&mausmf/ rsdK;qufav;quf usGefoabmufjzpfedefa& “r”w&m om;oGD; uGsef*sD;xlwddudk a*gif;aqmif&a& &cdkihfvufeufudkifawmfvSefa&;orm; a*gif;aqmifqdkonfhtvkyfuvnf; qdkcJhaomvnfol pm;wrf;acwf/ rsufpdjzifh}unfhvdk hum; vHk;0obm0usvdrfharr[kwf/
a'*kum; avmif;*snf;&musef tvHrvSJa*vJ rdef;pmukefqDcrf; touf 80 ywf0ef;usifa&mufedefAsmjzpfaw
&cdkifhusGefjrLepfygwD OuUXa[mif; OD;armif[ef. tajctaeum; 'dkif;euftrsdK;orD; a':a&mifar rStytm;
xm;&m ewˆD tajctae?
xdk ha}umifh t0D;a&muf&cdkifom;rsm;/ &cdkifhtrsdK;om; vufeufudkifawmfvSefa&;udk wefzdk;xm;em;vnfolrsm; b}uD;OD; armif[ef usef;rma&;twGuf ulnDvdk}uygu b*Fvma'h(&Sf)EdkifiH&Sd &if;ESD;eD;pyf&molrsm;u wqifht ultnDyD;ESdkif}uyga}umif;? ?

avmavmq,f aumufcH&&Sdxm;aompm&if;
1? udkjrwfausmf 500Tk
2? AASYC 500 Tk


Dhama ceremoney of Ven. Thumana, Dadlay Saradaw from Sittwe, and suffering of Buddhist Rakhine in BD”

“ppfawGrS "gwfvnfq&mawmf OD;okre zavmif;csdwf (b*Fvma'h(&Sf) ) wGifw&m;pcrf;vma&mufzGifhvSpfjcif;”
ESifh b*Fvma'h(&Sf) &SdAk'uGufrSqdkayonf ? ?

The Good Morning Arakan - GMA ( News )

Pauk Taw township people’s suffering under the mistreating of SPDC

Sittwey – Thursday, November 3, 05: According to firm sources from Sittwe ( capital city of Rakhine region ), under the mistreating or divided and rule of SPDC, Sittwe township water territory of Bangal bay was provided or given by authority for Master Ltd., leading by local broker or victim Aung Than as tender passed for them.
For use Bangal bay water territory for fishing, Master Ltd. are being paid by fisherman as per fishing boat 40000 Kyat for per month.

For Taung Fuu – Pway Khrit Taung water territory tender was passed by leading of Mr. Aung Than group and fishermans have to sell their fish or water resources if they get or catch for Aung Tha group at half percent low price even though have high beyond Aung Tha group.

“We have only experience in our childhood that our olders peoples were offers for river evils to get or catch fish in like 10 or 25 pyars not more than one Kyat as customs. But brokers of SPDC are so rampaging as inhuman acts upon us instead of rivers evils” one fisherman crying like that and Arakan people fishermans are suffering under the divided and rule or mistreating of SPDC since long period.

Whether they have caught fish or not but Aung Tha group are being paid by them per fisherman have to paid per month till 60000 Kyat. And passer by boat also have to pay if they cross Aung Tha’s territory.

In this way, Khey Gu river ( river of buffalo summing) tender passed for Mr. Shwe Htun Fru, local people known him as a murders, and he also treating like other.

So, from Rakhine region, some political persons are criticizing that SPDC are creating among the Rakhine people for more divided or misunderstand day by day.

The Good Morning Arakan – GMA ( News)
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

Dhama ceremoney of Ven. Thumana, Dadlay Saradaw from Sittwe, and suffering of Buddhist Rakhine in BD”

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Like in hell of Ponna Gyum people's suffering under the mistreating miscreants followers of SPDC

cr& 550 wyf&if;rSl; 0if;atmif/ 'kwyf&if;rSL;nm%f0if;ESifh vufa0cH ukefonf}uD;toif;wdk h.
npfywfjcif;atmufrS ykÀm;uGsef;jynfolwdk h.tajctaeqdk;

ppfawG – Edk0bFm 16 ? ? ykÀm;uGsef;tajcpdkuf cr& 550 wyf&if;rSl; 0if;atmifonf ykÀm;uGsef;rS trnf
raz:jyvdkolwa,guf. bdk;bGm;ydkif v,f / jcH tdrf wdk hudktydkifodrf;jyD; t"rRaexdkifaeoljzpfonf/

4if;0if;atmifESifh / 'kwyf&if;rSL;nm%f 0if;wdk honf ykÀm;uGsef;jrdK hodk ha&mif;&efa&mufvmaomte,f e,ft&yf&yfrS qefrsm;udk ta}umif;trsdK;rsdK;jyzrf;qD;jyD; wzef a&SGxGef;atmif(jrdK hol}uD;&yfuGuf / atmifcif (tdk;wef;) / pdk;cef h-ausmif;wufvrf;- (rqva[mif; - ausmif;q&m OD;;) / armifxGef;ausmf (tdk;wef;)/ OD;zdk;odef; tp&Sdolwdk hOD;aqmifonf h ukefonf}uD;toif;qdkaom toif;odk hjyefvnfa&mif;csum a0pm;ae }u onf[k ykÀm;uGsef;rStrnfraz:vdkqeftodrf;cH&aom ukefonfwOD;rSajym}um;cJhonf/ ol qufvuf ajym}um;&mY a&mif;cscGifh&aom qefukefonfrsm;rSmvnf; r0wudk 10000d (waomif;) ay;& um/ ukefonf}uD;toif;udk5000d (ig;axmifusyf) ay;&a}umif;/ wzefqdyfurf;c tjzpf ykvdyf / p 3vHk;wdk hhudk 3 axmifrS 5 axmifxday;&a}umif;/ ,if;odk hjzifh pmuav;udk acgif;ESkwfzifESkwf tjzpfrsdK;a&mufum &dK;om; aom ukefonfrsm;rSmt&SHK; ESifhcsOf;&ifqdkifae}u&a}umif; /
Tenf;tm;jzifh txufu nSGef}um;csuftwdkif; aoG;cJGa&;pHepfudk xdxda&mufa&muftaumif txnfaz: ae}ujcif;jzpfonf[k EdkifiHa&;tawG htjuHk&Sdaomausmif;q&mwa,gufuajym}um;cJha}umif; owif;ay;ydk h cJhonf ? ?

rSwfcsuf ? ? ykÀm;uGsef;jrdK h0if0&Sd cr& 550 ppfwyfe,fajronfvnf; &cdkifjynfolrsm;.bdk;bGm;ydkifajr,g
udke0wacwfwGif t"rRodrf;ydkufxm;aome,fajrjzpfa}umif;ajym}um;cJhonf?

The Good Morning Arakan-GMA (News)
Contatct number: ++ 88 011 081 074

Arakanese women work shop held

trsdK;orD;tay:enf;rsdK;pHkjzifht=urf;zufrSkeSifhywfoufaom tvkyf&HkaqG;aEG;yGJ
udk'gum+rdK hwGifusif;y+yD;pD;

'gum/edk0bFm 19// ? rae hu trsdK;orD;rsm;tay: enf;rsdK;pHkjzifht=urf;zufrSkeSifhywfoufaom tvkyf&HkaqG;aEG;yGJ w&yfudk(WLB)taemufzufa'owm0efcH &cdkiftrsdK;orD;tpnf;t&Hk;(RWU)rSOD;pd;+yD; 'gumjrdK h wae&mY usif;ycJha=umif;od&Sd&onf?
4if;tcrf;tem;wGif RWU OuUX apmjr&mZmvif;rS obmywdvkyfjyD; ALD),(ALAE),(ABSL),(AASYC)ESifh(RDF) tzGJ htpnf;wdk hrS yg0ifaqG;aEG;cJh}ua}umif;/
ppfawG+rdK h&lyajrmuf etztpdk;&rSzGJ hpnf;ay;xm;aomtrsdK;orD;OuUXtdrfwGifrk'def;vlowfrSkjzpfyGg;cJh+yD;/ ykÀm;uSsGef;+rdK h / ajryHkjrdK h / ijyDuGsef; wdk hYvnf;tvm;wljzpfyGg;cJh a}umif; / 4if;udpPeSifhywfoufItrsdK;orD;rsm;tzGJhcsKyf(jrefrmedkifiH)b*Fvma'h&Sf/ &cdkift rsdK;orD;tpnf;t&Hk;.OuUVapmjr&mZmvif;uajym=um;cJhonfrSm ,Qifuetzppftpdk;&.fwyfom;rsm;jyKusifhaomrk'def;rSkonf e,fpGefe,fzsm;Yom=um;od=u&+yD;,cktcgtvGefpdk;&drfp&mtajcaea&mufvmaea=umif;xdktvkyf&HkaqGaEG;yGJYajym=um;cJhonf[kod&Sd&onf?
,id;tpnf;ta0;udkwufa&mufcJhaom(Arakan Labour Association in Exile-ALAE)rStrsdK;orD;a&;&mwm0efcHwpf
OD;jzpfola':rykpdefrSajym=um;onfrSm-94 / 96 tw/Gif; olrudk,fwdkiftrf;-ausmufjzL um;vrf;azmufvkyf&mwGif t"onfESifhwlonf[kajymjycJhonf? xdktrsdK;orD;ydsKrsm;rSmtrsm;tm;jzifhrdbrsm;ta=umif;trdsK;rsdK;a=umifh(OyrmwigavSxGufcsdef (0g) aumufodrf;csdef)wdk hwGif rvdkufedkifjcif;a=umifholwdk hudk,fpm; qENrygyJvdkufygoGm;&=u&jcif;jzpfa=umif;/xdkodk htjzpf tysufrsm;udkvspfvsLrxm;yJudk,fwwfedkifoavmuf}udK;pm;+yD;ppftpdk;&udkenf;rsdK;pHkjzifhqefhusifvm;=u&eftm;vHk;aom
&cdkiftzGJ htpnf;rsm;Ytxl;wm0ef&Sda=umif;ajym=um;cJhonf[kqdkonf?
xdktvkyf&HkaqG;aEG;yGJudk 3 em&DavmufwGifpwifjyD; nae 5 cGJwGifatmifjrifpGmjyD;pD;cJha=umif;od&Sd&onf? ?

Myra Ein Zan
The Good Morning Arakan (News) – GMA
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

Due to include secession rights in constitution of NLD

Three years anniversary of Daw Suu’s memorial trip to Rakhine state
And present condition of NLD under the oppressive of SPDC

In 12 February, 1947, Pin Lone agreement, U Aung San had given or promised for secession rights due to organize hill people and to take freedom from British colonial. In the result of that agreement, so-called Burma gain freedom.
So, at the present time meanly for non-Burman people, NLD has to include that Aung San given secession rights, in their (NLD’s) constitution. Because of this mentioned rights is only one grantee for non-Burman people in so-called Burma.

The Good Morning Arakan-News(GMA)

Editorial of GMA

&Gufa[mif;wdk ha}uGI &Gufopfa0onf/ ta[mif;wdk hysufokef;I topftopfwdk htpm;xdk;onf/ atmif yGJqifonf/ Tum; ed,mr/ obm0/
qdkcJhaom obm0/ ed,mrudk rnfolrS ajymif;vJI r&paumif;/ cufonfum; T obm0ed,mrudkzDqefI
ArmjynfwGif vuf&Sdrsufuef;rsdK;cspf ppftkyfpkonf usm;ukyfusm;cJ tm%mudkqkwfudkifxm;onf /
aemufqHk; twkta,giftrsdK;om;nDvmcHudk vufudkif'kwftjzpftoHk;csum 'Drdkua&pD twkta,mifudkr& raeyHkaz:zdk hjudk;pm;aeonf/
tm;vHk;od}uonfhtwdkif; olwdk htaz}uD; OD;ae0if;. oGefoifcJhjcif; ya,m* ruif;rSlha}umifh ysOf;rem;odk h
ajymif;vSsif ysOf;rem;ukd'Drdkua&pD zufawmfom; jynfwGif;jynfy jynfolrsm;rem;/ odk hr[kwf 'Drdkua&pD r&
EdSkif[krnfonfhbdk;awmfu twdwfedrdwfay;avonf rod jrdK hawmf t*Fg&yf vHk;0rnD r&dSao;onfh}um;u
&efukefrS ysOf;rem;odk ht"du tpdk;&&Hk;rsm;udkajymif;a&$ haeonfudk/
Ttjcif;t&mrsm;udk }unf hjcif;tm;jzifh tkyfcsKyfol Armrsufuef;rsdK;cspf tkyfpkonf rnfrSs aoG;&l;aoG;
wef; jzpfaeonfudk tvG,fwul oHk;owfI & ESdkifonf/ rsufuef;rsdK;cspf ppftkyfpk ol hvlrsdK; trsm;pk aumif;
pm;a&;twGuf rnfodk hyif tm%mudk qkyfudkifxm;zdk hjudk;pm;apumrl ,ae h21&mpk vl htzGJ htpnf;onf
rsufuef;rsdK;cspfrsm;/ tm%m&Sifrsm;twGuf rsufESmom ray;awm h/ oufoufomomjzifh ajymif;rvm;/ jrif
raumif;&SKraumif; ysufpD;qHk;&SHK;rSlaygif;rsm;pGmjzifh ajymif;}urvm; TESpfvrf;om&dSonf/
1944 ywf0ef;usifu ysOf;rem;onf *syefawmfvSefa&;twGuf toifhawmfqHk;ae&m jzpfaumif;jzpfcJ hrnfjzpf
aomfvnf; ,ae h&efolum; *syefr[kwf rdrdjynfoludk,fwdkifjzpfaeonf/ ppftkyfpk txJrSvnf; tcsdefr
wzef vlrsdK;aygif;pHkvdk aexdkifaom Tjynfudk 'Drdkua&pD pnf;abmifxJ tcuftcJtqHk;t&kH;enf;yg;pGm
jzifh ajymif;vGJ&efedkifiHwumtodkif;t0dkif;rS txifu&yk*~dKvfrsm;/ jynfya&muf 'Drdkua&pDzufawmfom;rsm;
tcsdefeSifh trSsqdkovdk vlxkacgif;aqmif a':atmifqef;pk}unfudk aetdrftus,fcsKyfrS v$wfay;&ef urBm
tESH hawmif;qdkae}uonf/
odk haomfa':pkOD;aqmifaom NLD um;,ae hxd 1947ck yifvHkpmcsKyfwGif olr.zcifrS wjcm; Armr[kwf
aom vlrsdK;rsm;tay:ay;xm;cJ honfh/ ArmvlrsdK;}uD;0g'. ESdyfpufrSlatmufrS wckwnf;aom tmrcHcsuf jzpf
onf h(odk hr[kwf) ,ckvdk tkyfcsKyfolArmvlrsdK;rsm;AdkvfusyguoD;jcm;aevdku aeeSdkifcGifhudk ,ae hxd NLD
. zJG hpnf;tkyfcsKyfyHkwGif xnfhoGif;xm;jyD;jyd odk hr[kwf NLD rSoabmwlonfudk ,ae hxd r}um;&ao;/
xdk ha}umifh Armjynfqdk aom edkifiHudk ppfrSefaom 'Drdkua&pD vrf;a}umif;ay:odk hacsmarG hpGma&muf&dSa&; twGuf judk;pm;}u&mwGif t"du jynfwGif;jynfy ArmvlrsdK;wdk htjrifus,f&rnf/ jyKjyif}u&rnf[k axmufjy
vkdayonf// //

GMA (News)
Date: Friday, December 02, 2005

Seeking an interview with an authorized person of ANC

Seeking an interview with an authorized person of ANC
Record chatting between U Htun Saw Thein, a reporter of GMA-NEWS, and Ko Khaing Kyaw Htun, a staff of ANC were as following:

htunsawthein (11:57:23 AM): Hello!
htunsawthein (11:57:43 AM): How are you?

anc_hq (11:58:27 AM): fine and u?

htunsawthein (11:59:00 AM): May I greet you Good Morning Arakan?
htunsawthein (11:59:16 AM): I also well, thanks.
htunsawthein (12:03:25 PM): Let me greet Good Morning Arakan.

anc_hq (12:04:14 PM): yeap
anc_hq (12:04:15 PM): good

htunsawthein (12:05:21 PM): I think you are busy.

anc_hq (12:06:26 PM): a little
anc_hq (12:06:29 PM): not serious
anc_hq (12:06:51 PM): may i know who u r plz?
anc_hq (12:07:20 PM): yeap, u can say like this

htunsawthein (12:07:20 PM): I am Htun Saw Thein.
htunsawthein (12:07:42 PM): And you?

anc_hq (12:08:48 PM): where r u talking from?

htunsawthein (12:10:01 PM): If possible, may I know or ask development of ANC?
htunsawthein (12:11:20 PM): Let me request as a reporter of Good Morning Arakan News (GMA-News).

anc_hq (12:12:21 PM): yeap
anc_hq (12:12:24 PM): go on

htunsawthein (12:12:49 PM): Because our Arakan National Council is mean for us.
htunsawthein (12:14:33 PM): Let me know about coming conference of ANC.
htunsawthein (12:14:49 PM): When it going to hold?

anc_hq (12:15:40 PM): u'd better ask about ANC conference concering ANC-cc committee

htunsawthein (12:16:14 PM): Because as you know well our, Arakan, unity is so important according to present situation of what happening in so-called Burma.
htunsawthein (12:17:57 PM): If, possible, please let me know your name and what responsibility of your in ANC.
htunsawthein (12:19:50 PM): To whom, I have to ask please talk me authority person or spokeman of ANC, please.

anc_hq (12:21:28 PM): i can arrange ANC cc members if u want to talk
anc_hq (12:21:36 PM): but they r very busy now
anc_hq (12:21:58 PM): plz understand me

htunsawthein (12:23:34 PM): OK, please arrange for GMA-NEWS.
htunsawthein (12:24:27 PM): But let me know, when I will be able to discuss with him.

anc_hq (12:25:35 PM): i think they will be free the day after tomorrow

htunsawthein (12:26:22 PM): OK, thanks, I have to wait for that time.

anc_hq (12:26:45 PM): thanx for your interesting

htunsawthein (12:27:05 PM): But, if possible please provide for me a confront time.

anc_hq (12:27:08 PM): btw, u r from BD
anc_hq (12:27:13 PM): ?
anc_hq (12:27:40 PM): yeap
anc_hq (12:28:04 PM): what time will be possible for u Friday?

htunsawthein (12:28:29 PM): May I know what you meant btw in previous mentioned, please?
anc_hq (12:29:03 PM): by the way

htunsawthein (12:29:36 PM): OK, thanks.
htunsawthein (12:30:29 PM): You can mention for coming friday, when, if possible?

anc_hq (12:30:41 PM): u welcome
anc_hq (12:31:32 PM): plz tell me who do u want to meet, on Friday?
anc_hq (12:32:06 PM): so that i can pass on that news the person u want to meet

htunsawthein (12:32:26 PM): May I know your name, please and your responsibility of ANC?
anc_hq (12:33:29 PM): i am a staff of ANC

htunsawthein (12:33:46 PM): Thanks.
htunsawthein (12:34:08 PM): Your name please, if possible.

anc_hq (12:34:24 PM): Khaing Kyaw Htun

htunsawthein (12:35:21 PM): Thanks Ko Khaing Kyaw Htun for chatting with GMA-NEWS for today.

anc_hq (12:36:01 PM): so do I

htunsawthein (12:36:16 PM): If possible I would like to meet spokesperson of ANC.

anc_hq (12:36:27 PM): and don't forget to say, who u want to meet
anc_hq (12:37:28 PM): as far as i know ANC has not appointed anyone as a spokesperson

htunsawthein (12:39:20 PM): My name is Htun Saw Thein a reporter of GMA-NEWS and I would like to discuss with any authorized person of ANC, if possible.

anc_hq (12:39:55 PM): i.c

htunsawthein (12:41:43 PM): I am sorry, because I don't know too much about ANC. So, you may mention that with whom I should meet and discuss.

anc_hq (12:42:48 PM): In Delhi , there are two president of ANC namely U Tha Noe, U Thein Phay, Secretary U Mg Mg, joint-Sec U Kyaw Thein Mg, Khaing Myo Minn, Bo Aung , Pray Aye, Mg Lu Gree, U Sandawara,

anc_hq (12:43:04 PM): u can choose anyone u like to meet

htunsawthein (12:47:07 PM): Thanks for your mentioned.
htunsawthein (12:49:20 PM): If possible, I would like to discuss with U Tha Noe, president of ANC.

anc_hq (12:49:46 PM): okay
anc_hq (12:50:26 PM): i'll tell him u wanna meet

htunsawthein (12:51:24 PM): So, let me know will of concern person in advance, if possible.

anc_hq (12:51:31 PM): may i know where u r living now?
anc_hq (12:52:47 PM): u mean?

htunsawthein (1:17:58 PM): As you know well our national unity is so important. And what ANC doing at the present also so important for our Arakan.

anc_hq (1:18:47 PM): u r right

htunsawthein (1:32:28 PM): May you talk me some about present situation of ANC, as you are a staff of ANC, Ko Khaing Kyaw Htun, very frankly?
htunsawthein (1:35:17 PM): Indeed, authorized persons of ANC are aware about the present situation of Burmese military junta and so-called Burma.
htunsawthein (1:36:47 PM): So, what they, authorized persons of ANC, are doing is so important for Arakan.
anc_hq (1:37:26 PM): absolutely right

htunsawthein (1:45:57 PM): So, if possible please talk me so far you know about the ANC, as you are a staff of ANC.
anc_hq (1:51:14 PM): sorry

htunsawthein (1:56:18 PM): Only for few elements, as far you know about present situation of ANC.
htunsawthein (1:59:30 PM): Do you think ANC conference will be held within a six month time?

anc_hq (2:01:29 PM): i think ANC conference begins within 2006
htunsawthein (2:05:06 PM): Thanks, and some person of ANC has told will be within December, 2005. But what happened that plan as far you know?
anc_hq (2:08:03 PM): it dependents on financial situation

htunsawthein (2:08:57 PM): Thanks.

htunsawthein (2:11:10 PM): So, you are requested by me to inform in advance for interview with U Tha Noe, president of ANC, or his will.
htunsawthein (2:12:27 PM): Nice to meet with you and take care.

anc_hq (2:12:32 PM): sure
anc_hq (2:13:16 PM): i'll inform him but i don't know whether he accept ur offer or not
anc_hq (2:13:50 PM): plz excuse me
anc_hq (2:13:59 PM): i have much work to do

htunsawthein (2:14:07 PM): OK,

anc_hq (2:14:16 PM): so i continue on my work
anc_hq (2:14:23 PM): nice to meet u
anc_hq (2:14:26 PM): see u
anc_hq (2:14:32 PM): take care
anc_hq (2:14:32 PM): bye

htunsawthein (2:14:52 PM): Bye.

So, we, GMA-NEWS group is waiting for U Tha Noe’s , president of ANC, ready time or contact.

The Good Morning Arakan-GMA (NEWS)
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

For freedom

In today’s world every nation have freedom. Most of nations have obtained freedom. But Arakanese yet hasn’t got their freedom. As an Arakanese, I m also earned to get freedom. To get freedom what we will have to do? We have done for our country so many results as much as we can but why can’t we get freedom still now WHY! WHY!.
Because we are not united. Arakanese people have descended from rich Families. Now Arakanese are so lazy. Without nothing done what any result will become. If our people are doing in this way when our country will get freedom. But they are not doing any result for their country. They live, eat, drink, sit and sleep and teasing each other. And they are doing work without permission of their any member of the group. And they say that they are doing good result for country, in front of people. But actually they are not doing any result for country when people are not in front of them. They are trying to be rich, without thinking of their country. About these problems I have to draw as following 4 lines.
Most of people are clever,
They are glad seeing the poor,
If someone is rich they are not satisfy,
If someone is better than them, they are dislike.
If someone will follow them he will never develop. For those reasons Arakanese might not get freedom. If they are present with us we have to kill them because we never can get freedom. So let get birth out new generation with full of brave and clean. Everybody have to need to notice those evils, in future.

NB: Aung Zaw Khaing, he was 13 years old, when he wrote above mentioned his view about seeing Arakanese slavery suffering. Now he is struggling for survival as an English medium teacher.

Follower miscreants of SPDC are so rampaging in Rakhine state

Sittwe, Monday, December 12, 2005: Accordance to a trader, miscreants followers of SPDC, like former prisoners murderers, killers, looters, robbers and members of USDA
are so rampaging day by day more than before like illegally collecting tolls from traders, if get chance stole domestic animals like cows, buffaloes, etc in Aung Zay Yag village, in Rathay Daung township and in Aung Tha Ya and Aung Tha Pray village in Maung Daw township, Rakhine state, Burma.

But no body has dare to talk them because of they (miscreants) were relocated by SPDC from around the upper Burma and Rangoon to Rakhine state since 2002, during Gen. Khein Nyunt reign time, according to that trader.

Now, people of Rakhine state are so worrying that even they (miscreants) can create any time for communal riots between Buddhism and Muslim in Arakan ( Rakhine state) as terrorist SPDC wish, accordance to that trader.

The Good Morning Arakan – GMA(News)

Statement on Establishment of “Arakan Labour Association in Exile”

Statement on Establishment of “Arakan Labour Association in Exile”
Date: 31-1-2001


Through many hindrances, the Arakan Labour Association in Exile (ALAE) was successfully formed in Kulay Chuk village, Cox’s Bazar, southern part of Bangladesh on Jan 31, 2001 with the following 11 members of the Central Executive Committee. They were selected from among 46 common workers of Arakan in exile.

The Committee Members are:

1. Pho Hla - Chairman
2. Soe Aung Thike - General Secretary
3. Aung Hin - Join Secretary
4. Khine Soe - Treasure
5. Aung Kyaw - Organizing Affairs
6. U Ba Thein - Auditor
7. Kyaw Than - Educational Affairs
8. Moe Moe - Information and Publicity Affairs
9. Saw Maung - Literary and Cultural Affairs
10. Barr Hree - Youth Affairs
11. Htun Tha - Health Affairs

Aims and Objectives of the ALAE

Majority workers of the Arakanese working class have been suffering from various sorts of tyranny and oppression adopted by the colonists and dictators, since they lost their sovereignty. Millions of lives had since been lost. They have been deprived of their human rights, labour rights and democratic rights. The conditions are getting more worse in the two-decades reign of SPDC.

As a result, tens of thousands of workers being felt insecure have to flee to neighboring countries like Thailand, India and Bangladesh for more than a decade are not getting any help from any governments and NGO’s and are leading with miserable and inhuman lives. More workers are pouring in and will pour in future.

In view of the miserable conditions, like in hells, in and outside their country and with a pledge to re-establish the lost rights of working class, their human rights and democratic rights and to help the Arakanese exiles in their struggles for the survival, health, education etc, and in response to the demands of the present situation, the Arakan Labour Association in Exile (ALAE) has been formed.

The Aims and Objectives of the ALAE

The future plan of the ALAE will be as follows:
1. To organize the whole working class of Arakanese in Exile in Bangladesh and to work hard for holding a ‘Workers Conferences’ within 6 months.
2. To struggle and promote for the members welfare such as their living standard, economic condition, educational, health, social, etc.
3. To work for building strong understanding and fostering unity with other Arakanese Association, Organization inside and out Arakan Region.
4. To expose to the world the real condition of the Arakanese working class under the hell of Burmese military ruler.
5. To struggle for the Rights of other workers both inside and outside the country.
6. To struggle for a strong unity with worker Association/ Organizations inside and outside other countries for the democratic Rights in their respective countries.

Central Executive Committee
Arakan Labour Association in Exile
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

January 31-1-2001

Rakhine people's suffering under the systematically destructed of SPDC

etzppftpdk;&. pHepfwuszsufqD;jcif;rsdK;pHkatmufrS &cdkifjynfolwdk h.twd'kuQ

ppfawG - edk0ifbm 18// // ausmufawmfjrdk hwGif r[mrkedjywdkuf topfaqmufvkyf&ef tajymif; ta&$ hjykvkyf&mwGif tvGef&Sm;yg;aom &cdkifha&S ha[mif;ypPnf;rsm;aysmufqHk;oGm;jyD; '*Fg; tenf; i,f/ bk&m;nm%fawmfi,f tenf;i,feSifh ausmufqpf&kyfxktusdk;tyJhrSsom usef&dScJha}umif; ausmufawmfjrdk hrS b*Fvmodk ha&muf&dSvmaom trnfraz:jyol vlwOD;rS ajymjycJhonf/

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udkodrf;ydkufrnf[kjcdrf;ajcmuf at;"g;jywdkufcJh}uonf ? ?

The Good Morning Arakan (News) – GMA
Contact us: ++ 88 011 081 074

Daw Suu's memorial trip to Rakhine state

etzzdESdyfrSkatmuf &cdkifjynf NLD tajcae
(a': atmifqef;pk}unf. 3 ESpfajrmuf&cdkifjynfc&D;pOf trSwfw& )

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3? “usrwdk htzGJ h[mvlxktwGufjzpfw,f / wae hae hwcsddefcsdefrSm vlxkudktusdK;rjyKESdkifbl; jynfolu
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Contact number: ++ 88 011 138291

The Good Morning Arakan-GMA News
Contact number: ++ 88 011 081 074

Tuesday, December 20, 2005











Thursday, December 15, 2005


Monday, December 12, 2005

&Gufa[mif;wdk ha}uGI &Gufopfa0onf/ ta[mif;wdk hysufokef;I topftopfwdk htpm;xdk;onf/ atmif yGJqifonf/ Tum; ed,mr/ obm0/
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vkdayonf// //

GMA (News)
Date: Friday, December 02, 2005

Visali Era of Arakan history

Dear All,
In often, we, GMA-news group, would like to submit about some important part of Aakan history for you and any other observers.

As first time, we would like to focus on some important part of Vesali era from Rakhine Magazine, Volume 7, published in 1995.

Thanks for patience.

With regards,

GMA-News group

Rakhine Magazine

1995, published, Volume: 7

English section

Page No:
Editor’s Note 142

Tai-Candra The Fouder of The Splendid Vesali 143
Oung Hla Thein

Vesali 146
Dr. Saw Tun Aung

Some Stupas From Ponnagyun Area 151
Ah Lonn Maung

The Story of The First Vasali 152

Court Counsellor Dhamma Zeya 156
- Tun Shwe Khin (M.A)
- (Translated by Lonn Aung Khine)

Editor’s note
Special issue on Rakhine Vesali period is an attempt by our Magazine committee to focus the importance and achievements of a time hidden in myths and legends. Half a century ago, Vesali is confused with Vaisali of India which is renowned in Buddhist literature. Even though it is less known to the general public, the historians and researchers who have studied it have a consensus- Vesali is great.
Who have made research and recorded the history and other aspects of the city which ridicules the beauty and splendor of the abode ‘of devas’? It is true that former native historians and literary figures recorded it. A king of contemporary period- Ananda Candra- have accomplished a great contribution by inscribing the facts and figures of his potentialities and those of his predecessors on the stone pillar, populary known as Ananda Candra Pillar, which is at present at Shitthaung Temple in Mrauk-Oo.
For centuries, the story and glory of the city had been subsided- or rather neglected. In the first half of he twentieth century, some touches on the subject were made by natives and foreigners alike. U San Shwe BU, an archaeologists, worked bard to bring to light the history of Rakhine including Vesali. Those who made special efforts to decipher the puzzle were U Oo Tha Tun, U Aung Tha Oo and U San Tha Aung. The deceased pandit wrote some articles on it and offered helping hand to many researchers. U Aung Tha Oo published a concise book on the subject entitled ‘Rakhine Cultures (Vesali Period) in 1966. In lectures and speeches he disclosed certain interesting points on it. The present writer had an opportunity to attend a lecture delivered by him. It was held in Arts Assembly Hall; Yangoon University in 1967. In his speech, he gave a long explanation on ‘Rakhine Coins’ including those of Vesali. Another great contributor on the subject was U San Tha Aung. His work- Buddhist Art of Ancient Arakan- is an masterpiece on its since it covers the whole of the Vesali period, emphasizing the artistic achievement of Buddhism in ancient Rakhineland.
Among the foreigners who tookinsight interest were were Dr. E.H Johnson and Dr. Sincar. Dr. Johnson was the first to decipher the Ananda Candra stone incriptions fully. Dr. Sincar tried to assign the reigns of the king of the period, one notable researcher was Dr. Pamela Gutman of Australia whose Ph.D thesis, Ancient Arakan, brought to light to a period enshrouded in legends.
In 1980s, Archaeological Department excavated the selected sites of the ruins city of Vesali and some of the findings were already reported through the newspaper and magazines to the reading public. The writers were authorities on the subject such as U Myint Aung and U Nyunt Han of the Department.
A new generation of the native researchers have sprung up to extend the scope of the field and depth of it. In their books and articles, they presented new findings such as stupas, stone inscriptions, bells, coins, religious images, pagodas, literary works and other artifacts discovered from different parts of he land or else not recorded.
Our special issue, we earnestly hope, will be a new addition on the subject so far, so wide and so arguable.

By Oung Hla Thein
In the first millennium of the Christian era, there rose in the liticral Rkhineland, a spsendid city called Vesali(Waythali in Rakhine) contemporary to the Gupta Empire of India in the west and the Pru Kingdom of Myanmar in the east. Vesali is also known as the Candra Kingdom due to its monarchs whose names end in the title of Candra or Chandra. The traditional founder of this famous dynasty was Tai-Candra. The authenticity of this king is attested by an inscription, which calls this City-Builder-King Dven Candra which, many scholars doubtlessly believe indentical to Tai of Chronicles.
Of Tai Candras, we have full accounts by chronicles almost all of which have till now remained unpublised. Deciphered in 1940s by the renown Sanskrit scholar Dr. Johnson, the Anandacandra inscription has also thrown much light on this warrior king. Among the rare records in Rakhine and stands high a manuscript composed in verse dated 1119 of Rakhine Era corresponding to 1757 AD. These sources and other oral history formed the kernel in presenting tradition have formed the kernel in presenting this king in this article.
Tai (or Taing after Phayre’s spelling) was the son of Thuria Ketu, the 25th ruler of Dynyawadi City founded by King Sanda Thuria, who is reputed to have introduced Buddhism to Rakhineland, Ketu was a might king but far from happiness for many years because he had no son to succeed him. His ling wish to father a son became finally fulfilled in his 22nd year of reign. After many prayer, his 29 year old chief queen bore him a lovely son child’s name, Maha Candra (Maha Can in Sanskrit). At the age of 9, the young Candra was married to a beautiful princess, and appointed heir apparent. It was a child-marriage but in line with the once-popular custom for ny services of the land. For 23 years he lived in other house, assisting his age father many years in his government and himself imbued with the art of polity.
At the age of about 30, Candra was assigned by his old father to repair the Mahamuni, the most sacred shine in ancient Rakhine. Some chronicles claim that it was in that very that Candra got the most miraculous spear called Ariadama (victorious spear) bestowed by a fairy. Some other chronicles confirm that Candra obtained the wounderful spear in the late 327 A.D. after building the city of Vesali. The first assamption appears reasonable in view of the Anandacandra Inscription, which says that the king Devn (Tai) conquered many kings, before he build the city history narrates us that Candra was deft with the new weapon and mastered spearmanship. While the shrine was placed under renovation, king Ketu died and Tai Candra ascended the throne of Dynyawadi. Unlike his ancestors, who asumed the title of Thuria (Suria), he bore a new title of Candra which his successors adopted. The date of the accession of Tai was assigned to 249 Rakhine Era(some claim 151 R.E) before the reformation of 560 RE in 638 A.D. the date of the present Rakhine calender. Thus, the date 249 RE of lod calendar corresponds to 326 A.D. This date acclaims support from archaeological evidence based mainly on an inscription which suggests that the accession of Dves was possibly in 350 or 370 A.D. The rival date 327 or 350 or 370 is 788 AD advocated by Nga May and Phayre. But it lacks archaeological support. In the year of accession, Maha Tai Candra subdued all his enemies, and consolidated his realm, hence his name Tai, a term derived from the Sanskrit DAM meaning “to conquer of subdue. The 8th century inscription of Ananda Candra mentions this king “DVEN probably derived from “DAM”. The inscription also claims that tae king conquered 10; kings and then built a compact city. Building of the beautiful city agree with the chronicles. But local records have a mention of temporary capital of Kenthonesont before there rose the beautiful city. The decision of shifting his capital from Dynyawadi has a long story to narrate fully.
The history of the Pharabaw Pagoda at Mrouk-Oo tells us that Tai was educated at Nalanda, Magadha of India. It was a practice of good Kshatiya kings to send their first sons to Nalanda or Taxila for education. At the time when Tai was in India, his host land was moving ahead to find her brilliant leader in Chadragupta. Perhaps the victory of Chandragupta had excited prince from Rakhine to become a grate warrior king Doubtlessly, Tai had gained much experience and knowledge on his return to homeland.
On the accession of throne, Tai found out that his capital has been no longer promising. The geographical change at the locality of his city favoured his decision to shift city. The Kaladan, its alluvial and swampy delta southwards, making Dynyawadi city more difficult to have access to the sea than before. At that time, the rise of Gupta Empire in India had timely demanded the Rakhine’s overseas trade extended in many folds. As Rakhine’s trade was mainly mantime, it badly needed good port nearer to the sea.
In view of this facts, Tai is believed to have moved his capital from his ancestral home-Dynyawadi which means the city of bounty rice. But he was unlucky with the first choice-Kanthonesont, which means literally Three-Tank-Site or the Tank with three concentric ponds. Six-month-long life in the new site proved unfavourable for the newly fouded settlement claimed many lives within seven months. It is probable that the blame lies on the hasty decision for a work that demanded through consultation. Histories have their blame on the Devil. But according to the record of the History of the localities dated 1119 RE, loss of lives was to blame an epidemic cholera that broke out because of unhealthy water tanks. Feared with the sudden catastrophe, the king consuled his ministers about the transfer of his new city. Now the king was lucky to find his new advisor in one minister named Kovidha who is said to have returned from India after a span of years pursuing astrology. Then came the bold decision of the king to move the city further south. It was Kason, the second month in the Rakhine calender and the most auspicious time of the year. When Tai founded his new capital at Vesali on the Rann Creek not very far away from then actuary of the Kaladan. The locality is bounded by a mountain range in the east and the Rann Creek in the west. Wide expense of alluvial lands occupied the other two sides. Some small creeks crisis-cross the landscape. A small range lies apart from the high mountain range. At the command of Tai, his subordinate kings transformed this locality into a very beautiful city within 27 weeks. The inscription mention us that the after conquering 101 kings, “built a compact city furnished with walls and moat ‘to become a city’ which laughed at the beauty of Paradise”.
According to the chronicles and local history, the choice of this magnificent city was done by the celestial gods. The story was a popular narration for every great feat that needed great care and skill. The Kernel of this choice is probable that the king had the most brilliant engineer in his realm to build arch a splendid city to wonder every onlooker, Oval in shape taken after the hide-cushion of hermit, the city layout was set in accord with the tradition; the sacred image- house to the north of palace, the city-gate on the east side, and the creamtion ground to the southeast of the Golden House. A large reservior for all the members of the palace was dug out at the western foothills of a small range inside the city walls. On the Rann Creak a few furlongs to the northwest of the city there was constructed a stone—pier-Kyoukhlayga in Rakhine-for which the city itself was well-known throughout the history. The pier proved a good port, drawing many mercantile vessels for trade every year. The enronicles record that on the day when the city was competed about ten thousand ships arrived at Vesali for trade in the weak of seven showers of jewelles. This story means that overseas trade flourished soon after the birth of Vesali. With the booming of trade, the king won more fame and respect of his vassals.
Mrotaynanntay Thamine of the History of Citied and Palaces has recorded the achievements of Tai Candra almost in full account. After founding the city, the king expanded the arable land throughout his kingdom and let the harvest increase rapidly with the help of reserviors and cannals which he build. Like today, the chief grain of that period was also Paddy, which was very important for both local consumption and foreign trade. Because he had experienced great pain at the sight of death of many people due to poor health, at Kanthonesont, his attention was given more to improve the health of the rural population. He wanted every village to have its native physician ready at hand to attend the sick. So he summoned a villager from each village to his capital and had them trained at the royal cost to become good physicians. Local history has it that the king built his herbal garden in the Zaw Gyi valley at his capital. The intention was to obtain rare herbs that were to be imported. To ease the trade, he standardised the measurements of his land and the greatest achievements of all was the circulation of silver cons. The coin bears on one side a crouching bull, the symbol of his birth on a Saturday and on the reverse the design of his golden crown flanked atop by the symbols of sun and moon to denote the races the north of his capital. In order to promote the fame of the shrine, he housed the most sacred image in a temple built of stone. Then he offered the image a golden spire(some claim it to be crown), that worthed much. He erected there three stone sculptures- Saka, Brahma and Earth-goddness- to guard the shrine supernaturally. This construction became the most attraction of the visitors throughout the history.
Chronicles express the proweas of Tai in many ways. He is said to have possessed a white elephant called Mon mation. It was a pride for every king of ancient times to own a white elephant. In course of time he came to obtain twelve other white elephants. This narration is likely uneant that he had twelve subordinate kings to alone many vassals after conquering his enemies. Tai was not only a talent warrior but also a popular administerer. The great help to his administration was rendered by a minister called Damazite. The word Damazite is corrupted form of Dhammazeya, which in Pali means justice. The Damazite was also called Praysoegri meaning ruler of the land. It was that Praysoegri was the chief minister and he ruled the land while the king reigned.
The founder king of Vesali flourished a long reign of 57 years during which he laid firmly the foundation for a powerful kingdom that it later time extended its away to the eastern Bengal for won the present of a princess from the king of Tamralipit in west Bengal. As regards the Tai’s flourishment, the inscription claim to be 55years, two years less than the chronicles record. After his death, his son ascended the throne. But for the named of the successor chronicles and inscription differ from each other. The former names him Thuriya while the latter records him as Raza.